Trembling I (Fremitus)

Tremor I, or Fremitus, is vibration or tremor of any part of the patient's body, determined using the fingers or hand (palpation), as well as by listening (auscultation). This term is most often used to describe the vibrations felt in the patient's chest when speaking or breathing (vocal fremitus), as well as when coughing. The nature of the trembling allows us to determine the presence of various diseases and their severity. For example, the absence of vocal tremors may indicate the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity, and its intensification may indicate compaction or hardening of the lung.

Tremor I or Fremitus is a term used to describe vibrations or tremors in any part of the body. This can be determined using the fingers or hand (palpation) or listening (auscultation). Most often, this term is used in the diagnosis of various diseases, such as diseases of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, nervous system and other organs.

One of the most common uses of the term “tremor I” is vocal tremor, which is a vibration of the chest during speaking or breathing. This type of shaking can be used to diagnose various lung diseases such as pneumonia or tuberculosis. In addition, vocal tremor can be used to determine the presence of fluid in the lungs or pleural cavity.

Another example of the use of the term “shaking” is coughing. Cough can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as allergies, colds, flu, or other illnesses. However, if the cough is accompanied by shaking, it may indicate problems with the lungs or other organs.

Thus, tremor I is an important tool in the diagnosis of various diseases. It can be used both to determine the presence of lung diseases and to determine other diseases associated with various organs and systems of the body.

I feel trembling or vibration in my limbs almost every night and it really interferes with my life. It all started a couple of years ago, when many difficult events happened in the world. I remember the day when everything fell into place, but it was not forever, but for a very short period of time.

Every night I start to tremble from unpleasant sensations that have been tormenting me for several months now. It's like my body doesn't have enough oxygen or feels something. If I take a deep breath of air to calm down, my body may seem to dance in circles and seem to stop if I just breathe while I do.

My brain told me that it was a virus and I needed to start taking antibiotics without delay, and for several weeks I took antibiotics for my peace of mind, but not knowing where to go, because of the quarantine in the city, I went to see several doctors in person. What tests did you take, what examinations did you undergo? None of the results showed any help! And it seemed to gradually let go, but a year later everything came back to hell, and to this day I’m still looking for what’s wrong with me.