
Trichomalacia is a medical term used to describe a skin condition in which the skin becomes soft and loses its elasticity. This can be caused by various factors such as age, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, etc.

One of the symptoms of trichomalacia is loss of skin elasticity, which can lead to the formation of wrinkles and folds. In addition, the skin may become more sensitive to external influences such as sunlight, wind or cold.

Various methods can be used to treat trichomalacia, such as massage, the use of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, the use of creams and face masks. It is also important to monitor your diet and lifestyle to avoid further development of the disease.

Trichomalasia, or trichomalacia, is a disease that leads to changes in the structure and shape of hair follicles on the head, as well as in other places on the body. This pathology is characterized by hair loss, dry skin, itching and increased fragility. Trichomalacia can be divided into two main forms: autoimmune and hereditary. The autoimmune form of trichomalacia is caused by an allergic reaction to external factors such as medications, chemicals or foods. The hereditary form is associated with a violation of the development of hair follicles in humans even at the embryonic stage in utero.

Trichomalacia with the autoimmune form manifests itself:

Seborrhea of ​​the skin is the presence of inflammation and peeling over the entire surface of the head, especially in the area of ​​the back of the head and crown. Hair becomes dry, oily, and visually thinner. Dandruff forms on the scalp. Typically, in 25% of cases, itching is observed, sometimes developing into an acute stage. Alopecia, manifested by the formation of bald patches, and hair damage as a manifestation of the activity of pathogens or the patient’s general sensitization to external factors. Less commonly, the development of pathology occurs symmetrically, gradually from the center of the circle to the periphery. Recurrent dermatitis of the face and scalp. The most commonly affected areas are the lateral eyebrows, nasolabial folds, neck and armpits, and nipple area. Manifestations of psoriasis on the scalp are caused by improper metabolism in the follicle and structural changes in the hair follicle. The skin can be affected in both women and men. The same symptoms appear with lichen planus. Pathology occurs due to the influence of irritating factors on the body or contact with allergens, for example, external medications for local treatment. The development of the skin disease is accompanied by pronounced swelling around the rash. As the disease progresses, the blisters burst and begin to ooze. Therefore, patients with this pathology have a high risk of developing infectious complications. At the same time, people who are overweight or abuse alcohol are prone to pathology. Rashes with lichen planus