
Triovit: a complex of vitamins to maintain health

Triovit is a complex preparation that contains a combination of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. It is formulated to provide the body with essential nutrients that may be lacking in a normal diet. Triovit is produced in Russia by the company Bryntsalov, as well as in Slovenia by the companies Krka and Krka d.d./Vector.

The main components of Triovit include ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), as well as selenium. Each of these components plays an important role in maintaining the health and normal functioning of the body.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage and also helps normalize the immune system. Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, cell growth and development, and also maintains healthy skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and promotes the formation of antibodies in the immune system. Selenium is an essential mineral that is involved in the immune system and has antioxidant properties.

Triovit is recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. People whose usual diet does not provide sufficient amounts of vitamins C, E, vitamin A (in the form of pro-vitamin B-carotene) and selenium.
  2. People exposed to physical and mental overload, such as active athletes and managers.
  3. Elderly people whose natural defense system is already compromised and the absorption of vitamins and minerals is reduced.
  4. Smokers, due to increased formation of free radicals.
  5. People exposed to various types of radiation, such as working with a computer or prolonged exposure to the sun.
  6. People living in environmentally unfavorable areas, such as industrial areas or large city centers.

Before using Triovit, contraindications must be taken into account. The drug is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to any of its components, as well as for simultaneous use of vitamin A and its derivatives.

In rare cases, allergic reactions to individual components of the drug may occur. With long-term use of the drug Triovit can cause hypervitaminosis (excessive levels of vitamins in the body), so it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist before starting to take Triovit.

In general, Triovit is a popular drug that is used to maintain health and compensate for possible deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. However, in addition to taking extra vitamins, it is important to maintain a balanced diet, regular physical activity and an overall healthy lifestyle to ensure optimal functioning of the body.