Triumph Reflex

Triumph reflex: what is it and what is its role?

The Triumph reflex, also known as the Hylain-Triumph reflex or the pubic reflex, is one of the important reflexes associated with the function of the genitourinary system. It was discovered by Alexander Viktorovich Triumphov, a Soviet neurologist, in 1926.

This reflex is that when lightly tapping the pubis (the area between the navel and the genitals), in a healthy person, the bladder and bladder sphincter contract. This occurs due to the activation of reflex connections between the nerve cells of the spinal cord and the muscles of the bladder and sphincter.

The triumphal reflex plays an important role in the diagnosis of certain diseases of the genitourinary system. So, if the spinal cord or the nerves responsible for this reflex are damaged, it may weaken or disappear. This may indicate the presence of pathology in the genitourinary system.

In addition, the Triumph reflex can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment for diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, after surgery on the prostate or bladder, the doctor may check the presence and strength of the reflex to determine the effectiveness of the operation.

Thus, the Triumph reflex is an important element in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. It allows doctors to obtain important information about the condition of the bladder and sphincter, which leads to more accurate and effective treatment.

Triumphov reflex Author: A. V. Triumphov.

Definition: ** this is irritation of the back of the head of the penis by pressing a table knife when tilting the pelvis forward, after which the bent leg reflexively steps on the shin of the person walking in front.** Syntax:** ** stimulus (irritation or blow to the back of the penis) – reaction (quick bending of the leg) **Main points of the study:** * The main principle of the formulation is the need for the presence of *inhibitory stimulation (Fig. 2a*, _Fig. 2b)*. This is done using topographic anatomy to correct the _injection_. * For _shots* in which the inhibitory stimulus distracts the motor area that generates the contraction of the triceps brachii muscle, it is necessary to conduct the stimulus and the inhibitory effect in the same direction. * When the reaction of the _uks_ is pronounced (for example, resistance is more than 2.5 kg), all