Trout Field

Forel Paul is one of the most famous French philosophers, writer and scientist. He is considered the founder of the philosophical school that dealt with the problems of knowledge and cognition. Forel has been teaching at the University of Paris for more than 60 years.

This school received the name "aesthesionism" due to the basic principle that the entire group adheres to. Their principle is to study for the sake of a sense of objectivity. They believe it is possible to achieve truth through methods that combine erudition and feeling. The most important thing for trout was the ability to recognize that the world is diverse, to exclude from of his thinking axioms, that is, firmly established information that does not raise doubts in us. Also, within the framework of this school, Forel conducted experiments on dogs and roosters in experimental psychology, hanging in his visions in philosophy. He was against theories seeking to prove the action of special organic spirits . Also, one of the basic principles of the trout school was the denial of the need to draw conclusions about the reality of the world using pure logic. According to Paul and his followers, theories based entirely on reason and scientific laws are a philosophy that prevents the penetration of feelings, as our experience shows, it is feelings is a method that combines the study of the immeasurable world with the study of thought. The truth that a person wants to establish can be obtained through several analytical laws, which everyone must follow as he sees it. But a person can see only part of the truth that a person is looking for , this means that any truth must become comprehended by experience. But being is not proportional to the laws of the objective world. Freud was named one of the factors that