Respiratory Tuberculosis

Respiratory tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is characterized by the formation of specific foci of inflammation in the lungs, bronchi, and pleura.

The main source of infection is a sick person who secretes mycobacteria with sputum when coughing and sneezing. Infection occurs by airborne droplets.

Clinical forms of respiratory tuberculosis:

  1. Primary tuberculosis complex
  2. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
  3. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis
  4. Focal tuberculosis
  5. Infiltrative tuberculosis
  6. Pulmonary tuberculoma
  7. Cavernous tuberculosis
  8. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
  9. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
  10. Tuberculous pleurisy
  11. Tuberculosis of the bronchi and trachea

Diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations, x-ray examination, and detection of mycobacteria in sputum.

Treatment includes anti-tuberculosis drugs, collapse therapy, and surgical methods. Preventive measures are important - vaccination, identification of sources of infection, sanitary treatment of outbreaks.