Qatar Stomach

Qatar of the Stomach: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Catarrh of the stomach is a common disease that is caused by various factors such as improper blood composition, bad water and mainly by eating unsuitable food. Catarrh of the stomach can be acute or chronic.

Acute gastric catarrh is manifested by the following symptoms: nausea, belching, loss of appetite, bloating, thick coating on the tongue, pressure in the pit of the stomach and headaches. Treatment for acute gastric catarrh is usually simpler, and with proper treatment it can resolve within a few days.

The first thing to do for acute gastric catarrh is to cleanse the stomach with a laxative and eat nothing for a whole day, and then start consuming liquid, low-fat food in small portions. It is also helpful to use a hot poultice or hot water bubble on the abdomen to relieve pain. In the morning and evening, you can take enemas with soda or boric acid or a chamomile enema. To prepare the latter, you need to take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, leave them in boiling water for 20 minutes and strain into a mug of 5-6 glasses of water.

Chronic gastric catarrh is characterized by the same symptoms, but they may be less pronounced. In addition, chronic gastric catarrh may cause bad breath and constipation. Treatment of chronic gastric catarrh includes the use of enemas, a strict diet and the use of external remedies.

To treat chronic gastric catarrh, it is necessary to use enemas, as described above, and then adhere to a strict diet, excluding fatty, salty, spicy and alcoholic foods, as well as spices and sweets. Food should be consumed often and little by little, since the stomach should not be left empty, and chew well. At first, you should eat slimy soups made from rice, barley, oats and milk. After meals, it is useful to take magnesium on the tip of a knife. It is also recommended to drink plenty of tea, especially green, but not with meals. Boiled beets should be consumed as much as possible.

To prevent chronic catarrh of the stomach, sauerkraut (mainly its juice), buckwheat porridge and wormwood infusion are useful - a tablespoon three times a day. An infusion of dried apple flowers is especially useful, which should be drunk in the amount of one glass throughout the day, in small sips. To prepare an infusion of dried apple flowers, you need to take a teaspoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water.

In general, gastric catarrh can be not only an unpleasant, but also a dangerous disease, especially if it is not treated on time. Therefore, if you have symptoms of stomach catarrh, it is necessary to see a doctor to get the correct diagnosis and treatment. In addition, to prevent gastric catarrh, you should avoid eating inappropriate foods and monitor the quality of drinking water. It is also recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to provide the body with essential nutrients and strengthen the immune system.