Tukhlub - duckweed

She is famous. River duckweed is watery and earthy, while sea duckweed is more astringent. As for “rock duckweed,” it is a lichen that grows on rocks, and we have already mentioned it.


Actions and properties.
Duckweed in the form of an ointment stops bleeding anywhere. The sea one is stronger.

Tumors and acne.
It is used for hot tumors, erysipelas and herpes. Lenticular duckweed with oatmeal also works the same way.

Tools with joints.
It is applied as an ointment for hot gout and hot pain in the joints. Boiling it in old olive oil softens the nerves.

Eruption organs.
Duckweed is used to make a medicinal bandage for an intestinal hernia and this makes it shrink.