Tutiya - tutiya

The basis of tutia is the smoke that rises when copper is purified from stones mixed into it and from lead impurities. Sometimes they sublimate the kalimiyya and get good tutia, and the sediment is kalimiyya, called sakudus.

Tutia is white, yellow, green and reddish, thin and rough; all these types are produced in Kerman, and Indian | tutia is the sediment after | washing the tutia, which collects like thicket under the water with which the tutia was washed. This is sakudus, and the difference between sakudus and tutia is that tutia rises during sublimation, and sakudus is what remains at the bottom of the alambik into which copper flows. Sakudus is a kind of copper potassium, and another substance, when subjected to sublimation, rises entirely to the top in the form of tutia. The other part, being subject to sublimation, turns into tutia.

The best tutia is white, flying, followed by yellow, then pistachio, ksrman. Freshly made tutia is the best.

Cold in the first degree, dry in the second.

Tutia dries without burning; Washed tutia is the best drying agent.

It helps with armpit odor.

Washed tutia helps against ulcers, even cancerous ulcers.

Organs of the eye.
Tutia, especially washed, helps with eye pain. It prevents the bad excesses accumulated in the vessels of the eye from penetrating into the membranes of the eye.

Eruption organs.
It is useful for ulcers in the anus and genitals, as well as for tumors of all organs.