I have a Brother...

younger brother or sister, who seemed to become the main focus of the parents.

Many parents have a question: how to help their older child accept a new family member and not feel jealous? To begin with, you need to realize that jealousy is a natural feeling that can arise in any person, including a child. It is important to help the child understand that the love of parents is not divided into parts, but increases with the arrival of a new child.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the older child and give him enough time and attention. Parents can include the older child in caring for the younger one, giving him the opportunity to feel important and responsible. It is also important to encourage them to participate in common games and activities so that they can enjoy their time together.

Another way to help an older child accept a new family member is to maintain contact with relatives and friends so that the child has the opportunity to communicate with peers and gain new experiences. It is also important to teach your child independence and give him the opportunity to do his favorite things and hobbies, which will help him develop and feel more confident.

It is important to remember that welcoming a new family member is a complex process that can take some time. Parents should be patient and understanding as they support their older child and help him overcome feelings of jealousy.

So, in order to avoid jealousy of an older child towards a younger one, it is necessary to understand that care and concern for a younger child should not take away all the parents’ attention from the older one. It is important to teach the older child independence and give him the opportunity to do his favorite things and hobbies, keep in touch with peers and communicate with friends. In addition, parents should be patient and understanding when helping the older child accept a new family member and understand that the love of parents is not divided into parts, but increases with the arrival of a new child.