Blow to Self-Love

A blow to self-esteem

The most common failure in a man’s life is what the famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud called impotence. Since that time, medicine has achieved a lot; technologies for diagnosing and treating sexual impotence have been perfected to the smallest detail. But even now, problems with potency are a severe blow to male pride.

Two out of ten representatives of the stronger sex suffer from erectile dysfunction. Only every tenth man faced with sexual disorders consults a specialist. In 90 percent of cases, an erection can be restored. In 80 percent of men, impotence has physiological causes and signals some kind of trouble in the body.

The idea that impotence begins in the head and that the wrong emotional state is to blame has long dominated minds. Now the weakness of the stronger sex is increasingly explained by all sorts of malfunctions and malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, since the erection mechanism is triggered with the participation of almost all body systems.

What ailments can impotence signal (scientifically speaking, erectile dysfunction). Leading the list are mental health problems that have become chronic - neurotic disorders and depression. In this case, erection depends on the emotional state. Sometimes full sexual intercourse is possible only if certain conditions are met.

Common causes of sexual disorders are diabetes, alcoholism, drug addiction, intoxication of the body, and metabolic disorders. In these diseases, the transmission of impulses along sensory and motor fibers is disrupted, which means that the reflex arc that provides an erection also suffers.

Problems with potency sometimes appear after injuries or diseases of the spinal cord and brain. Often, impaired erection is the first symptom of an infection, injury, tumor, epilepsy or Parkinson's disease.

Sexual desire is noticeably reduced due to hormonal disorders. As a rule, this occurs against the background of insufficiency of male sex hormones or excess of female ones.

Atherosclerosis, birth defects and other vascular diseases also threaten impotence. The fact is that such disorders interfere with normal blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis.

Impotence can also develop as a side result of taking medications. Antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, drugs used to treat hypertension, and those that reduce gastric secretion affect erection.

Inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, urethra, bladder and testicles are sometimes hidden behind sexual failures. In general, any chronic illnesses, nervous and physical fatigue do not have the best effect on male strength.

What erectile dysfunction do men usually experience?

Premature ejaculation (ejaculation). This problem most often happens to young men and is considered the norm for “newcomers” to sex. In adult men, this occurs due to neuroses, fear of failure. Untimely “detente” may indicate that there is no trust between partners.

Absence or delay of ejaculation and orgasm.

How to understand the causes of impotence? To exclude urogenital diseases, you need to consult a urologist or andrologist, followed by an ultrasound examination, blood and semen tests, and taking bacteriological smears.

If you suspect that your problem is related to hormonal imbalances, consult an endocrinologist.

Vascular disorders are detected using Doppler ultrasound. Modern techniques make it possible to determine quantitative and qualitative indicators of blood supply to the penis.

A psychotherapist, sex therapist or psychiatrist should evaluate the mental component of a sexual disorder. The main diagnostic technology used by these specialists is a conversation with the patient and various psychological testing techniques.

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