Ugri, Or Acne

Blackheads, or Acne

What it is?

Sebaceous glands are found only in the skin of mammals, which includes you and me. These glands produce a special secretion (sebum) - a mixture of fats that prevent the skin from drying out, make the skin elastic, protect the body from various bacteria and infections, and also participate in the complex system of thermoregulation of the skin. Increased production of male hormones (androgens) increases the secretion of sebaceous secretions, and decreases the secretion of female hormones (estrogens). So, acne, or acne, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, resulting from their blockage and increased production of sebum. Acne in one form or another affects 60-80 percent of young people aged 12 to 24 years. However, acne can also appear in adults - as a rule, against the background of metabolic disorders, in which the condition of seborrhea occurs.

Why does this happen?

In men, the main cause of acne is a change in the ratio of various androgens. Acne in athletes and bodybuilders can be caused by taking anabolic steroids - this is the so-called bodybuilding acne.

There are also acne that develops in people with seborrhea or when various substances that have a comedogenic effect come into contact with the skin - the ability to cause blockage of the sebaceous glands and roughening of the skin (hyperkeratosis) at the mouths of the hair follicles. These include various oils and lubricants, preparations containing tar. People can come into contact with these substances at work and during skin care.

Acne often occurs due to excessive use of cosmetics containing fats (greasy cream powders, blush, eye shadow, etc.). Less common are so-called mechanical acne - their appearance is associated with pressure and friction (simple dermatitis), causing blockage of the openings of the hair follicles. For example, this can be prolonged pressure from a sports helmet, plaster cast, or bed linen in immobilized sick people, especially with excessive sweating.

What happens?

In the process of acne development, four main mechanisms can be distinguished:

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