Deaf mute

Deaf-mute: a condition characterized by a lack of speech and deafness

Deaf-muteness is a condition characterized by the absence of speech and congenital or early childhood deafness. A child with congenital deafness cannot independently master speech, since he does not have speech contact with the people around him. If hearing was lost in early childhood, then the vocabulary that the child managed to acquire is gradually lost, and deaf-muteness occurs.

In this regard, early diagnosis of hearing loss or deafness in a child is extremely important. This will help to carry out therapeutic measures, as a result of which in some cases a positive effect is achieved. Mothers and relatives play an important role in this regard, constantly monitoring the child. If parents suspect that their child is deaf, it is necessary to show him or her to an otolaryngologist. Modern research methods make it possible to determine the degree of hearing loss even in infants.

Sometimes hearing loss in a child is associated with adenoids. In these cases, it is easily eliminated after surgery - removal of the adenoids. If deafness is irreversible, that is, it is a consequence of underdevelopment of the inner ear, all attention must be switched to the development of speech in the child. The earlier training begins, the better the results will be.

There are special educational institutions for the deaf, where deaf and mute people are taught written and oral speech. Back in the 16th century, a manual or finger alphabet was proposed for teaching the deaf and dumb. It is relatively easy for a deaf-mute to master written speech and the manual alphabet; oral speech is much more difficult, since he can perceive sounds mainly visually (from the lips of the speaker). The presence of remnants of hearing, the so-called hearing islands, greatly facilitates the acquisition of oral speech. They allow a deaf-mute to hear the voice, stress, distinguish some vowel sounds and even individual consonants. In these cases, hearing aids that selectively amplify sounds at specific frequencies can be of great help.

Deaf-muteness greatly affects a person’s life, as it makes communication and social adaptation difficult. However, thanks to modern diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as the efforts of specialists and loved ones, deaf and mute people can gain the opportunity to communicate and live a full life.

It is important to note that deaf-muteness is not an obstacle to learning and professional activities. There are many examples of people with deafness and mute who have achieved success in various fields, including science, art, sports and technology. It is important to remember that every person has the right to equal opportunities, regardless of their physical characteristics.

Thus, deaf-muteness is a condition that is characterized by the absence of speech and deafness. Early diagnosis and treatment, as well as education and social support, can help deaf and mute people achieve fulfilling life and professional opportunities. It is important to remember that deafness is not a disability or limitation, but rather a personality trait that does not interfere with the achievement of goals and success in life.

Deaf-muteness is a developmental anomaly characterized by a child’s lack of speech, provided that he can hear and understand speech addressed to him. From the point of view of psychology and psychoanalysis, W. Reich formulated the following definition: “deaf-muteness is the social deprivation of a child that occurs in the first