Care after facial peeling at home

Face after peeling: skin care, basic 6 questions to ask a professional

Why do you need skin care after peeling?
How to prepare for the procedure
What products to use after peeling at home
What does post-peeling care consist of?
Restrictions after peeling
Signs of skin recovery after peeling

If we are talking about peeling or peeling roll for face, women should know that care after the procedure is as important to obtaining the final result as the event itself. Which skin care necessary after peeling - this question is most often asked by clients to cosmetologists. Professionals will help you cover all the nuances of the procedure.

Why do you need skin care after peeling?

Facial skin care after 30 years of age should become a must for those who expect to keep their face fresh and youthful for as long as possible. Moreover, certain actions are necessary after such an active procedure as peeling, which involves the action of chemical acids on the surface layers of the skin. As a result of such trauma, the surface layer of the epithelium is exfoliated, tissue regeneration mechanisms are launched, which ensures improved skin quality and a rejuvenating, smoothing effect.
However, in order for the result to be fully achieved, while ensuring the absence of negative complications, after peeling a special one is needed facial skin care. This fully applies to both the salon procedure and its implementation at home. Special skin care is assumed and after cleansing your face at home.

How to prepare for the procedure

Peeling is a fairly active procedure, after which a recovery period is usually required. In order to obtain the desired result and eliminate any negative complications, not only rehabilitation measures are important, but also How is the skin prepared for peeling?. In some cases, washing with lemon juice may not be enough. A more serious program will be needed. To properly prepare the skin for peeling, before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will take into account all the clinical features, the nature of the upcoming impact, and, taking into account the identified factors, will draw up a program of action and select the necessary means.

What products to use after peeling at home

How to care for your skin after peeling , the cosmetologist who performed the procedure will advise you most competently. These may be products available in the salon, or that must be purchased in the public domain. If the procedure was carried out at home, then what products to use after peeling, It’s quite easy to decide by turning to the cosmetic brand PLEYANA. Its line includes a wide range of external products with both moisturizing and nourishing effects.

The most popular of them:

  1. Hydro-gel with Aloe Vera. Its components help restore water balance and have a healing and soothing effect. Since the product is suitable for all skin types, it is actively used at home;
  2. Biorevitalizer serum with peptides. Belonging to a new cosmetological direction, neurocosmetics, the product has a pronounced anti-aging effect comparable to collagen injections;
  3. For skin prone to oily skin, the ST-CONTROL sebum-regulating alginate mask with sea silt and essential oils is effective.

After peeling, this cream is better , which contains components aimed at moisturizing the skin and speeding recovery. The studies conducted indicate that they should contain the following compounds:

  1. Panthenol;
  2. Wax;
  3. Lanolin;
  4. Antioxidants;
  5. Ceramides;
  6. Phospholipids;
  7. Natural oils.

What does post-peeling care consist of?

Post-peeling facial skin care depends on what type of skin we are talking about, the individual characteristics of the client, his age. A very significant role in developing a rehabilitation program and choosing post-peeling products plays the version of the peeling performed, superficial, medium or deep. They differ in the nature of the damaging effect and its depth.

With a superficial procedure, which is most often carried out using glycolic, lactic, mandelic, and grape acids, the effect affects only the upper, stratum corneum of the epidermis. Medium peeling is characterized by the fact that the damage affects deeper layers, down to the basement membrane. The most popular options are the Hollywood peel or TCA peel. With deep peeling, even the papillary and reticular layers are affected. In this case, phenolic acid is used as active components.

Depending on the acid used and its concentration, the recovery period also varies. Post-peeling facial skin care after glycolic peeling lasts for a week. This is characterized by redness of the skin after the procedure, slight swelling of the face, and peeling of the skin. To speed up these processes and also avoid complications, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. Refrain from washing your face during the day;
  2. Apply makeup products no earlier than 2-3 days later;
  3. Use external cosmetics appropriate to your skin type, which should have a moisturizing and nourishing effect;
  4. For at least 2 weeks, refrain from other procedures associated with trauma to the skin;
  5. Take active sun protection measures.

Post-peeling facial skin care after retinoic peeling shorter. Peeling of the skin will stop within 2-3 days, after which you can lead a normal life.

Rehabilitation after a mid-peel with trichloroacetic acid takes longer. Large-plate peeling ends on the 7-8th day, small-plate peeling can persist for another 2-3 weeks. Within two weeks after the procedure, there is also redness of the skin. At the first stage, moisturizing agents are in demand, which facilitates the process of peeling off the crusts. They should be of a delicate structure; gels are preferred.

After this stage is completed, the permeability of the epidermis will be as high as possible, and both moisturizing agents or antioxidants will be in demand, as well as targeted preparations: for sagging skin - containing stimulators of collagen synthesis, retinol, vitamin C, melatonin. In cases where the primary goal is to improve complexion and fight age spots - vitamin C, kojic acid. Very popular in this case post-peeling masks with active ingredients. The PLEYANA company has a wide selection of such products and can satisfy everyone’s needs. The product line also includes various peelings and means that are suitable for skin care.

Due to its high damaging effect and painfulness of the procedure, deep peeling is performed more often in a hospital setting. Under the supervision of a specialist, it is carried out and post-peeling care. In this case, not only external cosmetics will be relevant, but also antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Restrictions after peeling

In order for the recovery period to end without complications, there are certain restrictions, recommendations from specialists regarding what not to do after facial peeling. They relate to both the first day after the procedure and a longer period of time. It is quite natural that the nature of the recommendations depends on what type of chemical peeling we are talking about. With a deeper damaging effect, the restrictions are more significant. IN

Wash. To prevent water from entering, it is even recommended to use a sippy cup after deep peeling; during the day after peeling it is impossible following:

  1. Touch your face, wipe it with a towel;
  2. Apply decorative cosmetics;
  3. Stay outdoors, as exposure to sunlight, cold air, and wind are undesirable factors.

In the next 2 weeks after peeling it is impossible following:

  1. Use new cosmetics;
  2. Try to separate the crusts yourself or use auxiliary means for this, such as scrubs or film masks;
  3. Stay in direct sunlight without using reliable protection;

When implementing No post-peeling care engage in active sports, since increased sweating also interferes with skin healing. For the same reason, it is recommended to lead a measured lifestyle that excludes emotional stress and stress. Thermal procedures that promote blood flow, taking a bath, visiting a sauna, and tanning are also contraindicated.

After peeling TCA is not allowed use alcohol, as well as spicy foods, since such abuse will cause vasodilation and increase facial hyperemia. The duration of all these restoration measures will be longer than after a superficial procedure. However, the recommendations should not be neglected, since otherwise persistent hyperpigmentation or scarring may develop.

Signs of skin recovery after peeling

Deadlines skin restoration after peeling depend on the activity of the acid and its concentration. Varying degrees of tissue trauma also determine the duration of How long does your face peel after peeling?. At the same time, such signs as swelling, redness of the skin, and subsequently, its peeling are quite expected. With superficial peeling, they regress within a week.

It will take a longer period of time, 2-3 weeks, for the skin to recover after medium peeling. In cases where external remedies prescribed by a cosmetologist do not give the desired result, and the post-peeling period is characterized by a severe course, additional measures may be proposed for correction.

Medicines Troxevasin, Lyoton-gel, diuretics

Erythema (redness of the skin)

Medicine Lyoton-gel

Actively moisturize the skin several times a day, hydrate by drinking up to 3 liters of water orally

In some cases, the post-peeling period is characterized by atypical symptoms. Their development may be related to

  1. individual characteristics of the patient;
  2. non-compliance with recommendations during the recovery phase;
  3. unprofessional actions of a cosmetologist;
  4. ineffectiveness of preparatory measures.

Use of antiviral drugs for external and systemic action

To eliminate deficiencies, you should turn to hardware techniques, photorejuvenation, laser correction, and mesotherapy. External whitening agents containing antioxidants, tretinoin, arbutin, etc. will also help.

Use of systemic and local antihistamines

According to statistics, these manifestations are not so common. However, when turning to the peeling procedure, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing such complications, and be attentive to both the preparatory measures and the quality of the procedure, as well as after care.

In order for your face to look exactly the way you dream after peeling, you must strictly follow the recommendations of cosmetologists. Exfoliation is always associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin to one degree or another. The cosmetologist must talk about what measures to take after this corrective procedure. However, not every woman, due to various circumstances, follows them. In this case, complications and side effects may occur.

In the epidermis injured by chemical or mechanical means, recovery processes are launched. How to restore skin after peeling? This procedure should occur naturally. Regeneration processes are launched in damaged skin. The main task of a woman in this case is to wait patiently. A cosmetologist will prescribe a product for restoring the epidermis, use it. Which product to use directly depends on the type of facial peeling and the characteristics of the woman’s skin.

How does peeling affect facial skin?

There are many types of exfoliation, but the principle is the same - disruption of epithelial tissue and stimulation of regenerative processes in the epidermis and dermis. This is how the physiological process of rejuvenation occurs. Our body is designed in such a way that it perceives injury after chemical peeling as an impulse to start the regeneration process. As a result, active formation of collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid molecules occurs. The epidermis is freed from dead cells of epithelial tissue, acquiring youth and elasticity.

Every woman should have a clear idea of ​​what happens in her facial skin after peeling. The renewed epithelium forms new cells and tissues, and therefore requires special care. Even minor exposure to external factors can be dangerous for unformed epidermis. Therefore, any exogenous influence should either be excluded or minimized. Even your usual walks in the fresh air and familiar facial care products can worsen the condition of your skin after facial peeling, causing side effects. Therefore, cosmetologists and women with extensive experience in exfoliation recommend scheduling it at the end of the work week. Over the weekend, the skin will recover and by the beginning of next week the first positive results of exfoliation will be visible. Taking precautions, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists and after peeling, apply a cream that promotes rapid healing of the epidermis.

Even if you have undergone superficial facial exfoliation, which is gentle, you need to be careful. Dry and sensitive skin after exfoliation is especially susceptible to various environmental factors. If the cosmetologist did not focus your attention on post-peeling care, you should follow the general recommendations. You can learn in detail about how to care for your facial skin after peeling from our article.

How to restore skin after peeling?

There are a number of recommendations on how to restore skin after peeling. Their spectrum depends directly on the type and depth of exfoliation performed. The individual characteristics of the patient are also taken into account: skin type, age, tendency to allergic reactions, presence of chronic diseases.

If we consider the types of complications and side effects after exfoliation, we can name the following phenomena:

  1. Peeling is a normal consequence of the procedure. The feeling of dryness and tightness on the 3rd day transforms into detachment of epidermal particles, which spontaneously disappears after a maximum of a week. Natural products based on shea butter, jojoba, grape seed and with the addition of hyaluronic acid will help speed up the process;
  2. Hyperemia or redness is characteristic of rehabilitation after deep or median exfoliation. This side effect will go away in 5-20 days. The main thing during this period is to maintain a gentle diet, moderate physical activity and avoid stress. It is recommended to include foods rich in omega-3 acids in your diet;
  3. Swelling after exfoliation occurs in those with thin skin. On the recommendation of a cosmetologist, you can use a special facial gel after peeling with antioxidants that eliminates swelling;
  4. Inflammatory elements can result from incorrect exfoliation or improper post-peeling care. There are a number of spot-on products with antiseptic ingredients that will help in this case;
  5. An allergy may occur if an allergy test was not performed before the exfoliation procedure. If this reaction occurs, an antihistamine should be used;
  6. Increased pigment formation can be caused by improper preparation for exfoliation or exposure of the skin to sunlight after the procedure. Whitening creams and a diet that excludes foods that increase pigmentation will help cope with freckles or brown spots.

Each type of exfoliation has its own rehabilitation period. How to restore the skin after each of them?

As you know, skin care after superficial peeling is the least troublesome. In this case, only the upper part of the epidermis is exfoliated. Just a couple of days after peeling, a film of young epidermal cells is formed. They require gentle care. After a superficial chemical peel, you should not use scrubs or roll off flaky and reddened epithelium for at least a week. Typically, a cosmetologist recommends using a cream that accelerates wound healing. After superficial peeling, skin care with panthenol-based ointments and creams is appropriate. This substance activates regeneration and prevents scar formation. It would be a good idea to drink an extra liter of water, which speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

Skin care after peeling with fruit acids and other types of gentle exfoliation involves the use of products that are gentle and contain a high sun protection factor. Apply them every time you go outside. When caring for your skin after peeling with acidic compounds, do not use alkaline, aggressive hygiene products that cause irritation to the epidermis.

Median exfoliation is a more serious effect on the skin with coral, trichloroacetic acids or a multi-acid composition. Therefore, after a mid-type chemical peel, a longer rehabilitation period follows. In this case, a woman may experience redness and peeling of the skin.

Many women are interested in the question: is it possible to cleanse the skin after peeling? The answer is clear: no! Do not use scrubs, roll or peel off scales with your hands. This leads to the formation of scars, which will be very difficult to remove! It is enough to wait a few days after the mid-peel without special care, and the peeling will go away on its own.

Skin care after chemical exposure should be very delicate. It is necessary to avoid both mechanical and chemical effects on the injured epidermis. As a facial cleanser, 3 days after peeling, you can wipe only with micellar water or another mild product without sulfates in the composition. You should also not use cosmetics, as you will need to remove makeup. Subsequent skin care after medium peeling is limited to the use of wound healing agents and the use of sunscreens.

Deep exfoliation is a serious cosmetic and medical procedure and is performed under anesthesia. Phenolic, brown facial peeling, as well as laser resurfacing are effective methods for eliminating significant defects in the epidermis. But it should be understood that these types of exposure are highly traumatic.

Aftercare for this type of chemical peel can be done in a hospital setting, as the patient receives a controlled burn to the deep layers of the skin. Rehabilitation requires sterility and the use of medications: anabolic steroids, antibiotics and other drugs. This helps to cope with pain and prevents infection of the damaged dermis.

Care after the deep peeling procedure is special. For the first few days, you should not wash your face with water. After this, do not wipe your face with alcohol-based lotions. After deep peeling, part of skin care is the use of creams with a high UV protection factor. This mandatory requirement will help avoid the appearance of unwanted pigment spots.

Remember: washing your face during the rehabilitation process can be done with boiled warm water. The face should not be wiped, but blotted with a towel. Skin care after deep peeling can be carried out with products in the form of gel or foam. They do not need to be rubbed into the skin; they are easily absorbed.

Skin care after laser peeling and other deep effects is prescribed by a cosmetologist individually. Remedies for restoring serious damage to the epidermis usually include antioxidant substances: ubiquinone, tocopherol, selenium and other bioflavonoids.

Attention! The use of homemade masks during the rehabilitation stage must be agreed upon with a cosmetologist. Many components can trigger allergies, as skin sensitivity is increased.

General recommendations from cosmetologists

Typically, skin care after chemical peeling is discussed individually by a cosmetologist. It consists of many factors. The depth of exposure, the characteristics of the skin and the health of the patient are taken into account. However, there are general recommendations after facial peeling that can be called universal.

During the day after exfoliation, you cannot:

  1. Wash your face with soap, foam or gel;
  2. Touch, massage, rub, scratch the skin;
  3. Use moisturizing creams, nourishing serums, mattifying masks or lotions;
  4. Stay outside for a long time and come into contact with the sun's rays;
  5. Swim in the pool, take a steam bath, engage in active sports;
  6. Visit the solarium.

The next three days after exfoliation it is recommended:

  1. Wash your face with water with a slightly acidic pH or using a hypoallergenic, lightweight cleanser;
  2. Apply cream after peeling for the face with a wound healing effect. They usually contain panthenol or lanolin;
  3. Limit going outside, especially in sunny weather;
  4. Use products with a UV filter (SPF value - at least 35);
  5. Protect the skin from negative external factors: frost, wind, dust, sun.

For two weeks after exfoliation, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use medications and creams prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  2. Refrain from using decorative cosmetics that clog pores;
  3. Do not remove scales, crusts, or scabs with your hands;
  4. Do not use scrubs, even the most delicate ones;
  5. Do not sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, use sunscreen;
  6. Do not experiment with new brands of care cosmetics;
  7. Do not visit public baths, swimming pools, or open water bodies.

You've probably heard a lot of advice from friends and acquaintances on how to care for your face after chemical peeling, but you should only follow the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists. They will protect you from negative consequences in the form of complications and side effects.

How to deal with complications?

Unfortunately, exfoliation can bring not only smooth, glowing skin, but also scarring, acne, hyperpigmentation and worsened cold sores.

Pigmentation is a rather unpleasant side effect of laser exfoliation and TCA. To prevent this, treat your face with kojic and retinoic acids before exfoliation. Some post-peeling treatments also remove subsequent pigmentation. This is the application of acetylcysteine ​​and strong antioxidants (tocopherol, ascorbic acid, silene, etc.) to the epidermis.

Exacerbation of herpes may occur in those individuals who note this phenomenon at least twice a year. To prevent foci of herpes from spreading across the face after scrubbing or peeling the face, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy: take antiviral medications: oral medications and ointments.

If a woman is prone to acne, after exfoliation it may appear in an aggravated form. Agents with anti-inflammatory and sebostatic properties will be required. Antiseptic preparations with zinc can be applied pointwise to pimples and blackheads.

Severe peeling of the skin can also be observed after medium or deep exfoliation. There is no need to take any measures, the skin should exfoliate on its own. How to exfoliate skin faster after peeling? Cosmetologists strongly recommend: do not comb, do not pick off scales and do not use scrubs. All these manipulations can lead to scar formation.

How to prevent side effects?

In fact, if exfoliation was performed by a qualified cosmetologist taking into account the client’s characteristics, high-quality reagents were used, and aseptic conditions were observed, then there should be no adverse reactions, and negative consequences are excluded. But a lot depends on whether the woman follows all the recommendations she received from the specialist.

How to care for your facial skin after peeling at home?

The most important thing is to allow the epidermis to recover and not interfere with the natural regeneration process. After peeling, the skin of the face will begin to tighten, dryness will appear, and then peeling. These phenomena are natural and natural; there is no need to panic. Under no circumstances should you use a scrub after peeling your face. The injured epithelium will react to this action with scars and cicatrices, which are very difficult to remove.

The main thing in rehabilitation is gentle care. Can I wash my face after peeling? After deep and medium exposure, you should not wash your face with water on the first day. Over the next few days, you can only wash with boiled water. Then, for several weeks, it is recommended to use soft cleansers with a gentle hypoallergenic composition.

If a cosmetologist has prescribed medications (antibiotics, anabolic steroids, wound-healing ointments), they cannot be ignored. This can lead to irreparable consequences. The effect of exfoliation depends not only on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, but also on the responsibility of the woman herself.

What is not forbidden to do after peeling?
Repeatedly in this article it was stated what is prohibited to do after peeling. This means injuring the epidermis, staying in the sun and using any cosmetics.

Important! Despite the standard set of warnings from a cosmetologist, women are often concerned about the question: is it possible to wet their face after peeling? After deep and medium exfoliation, do not wet your face for 24 hours. Then you can wash only with boiled warm water.

A woman should understand that after a chemical peel, the quality of the result obtained largely depends on her actions. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations and exclude amateur activities. Only a professional can adequately assess the need or danger of even the safest procedure in your opinion. For example, after chemical exfoliation, you should not massage your face or even touch it. The sensitivity of the damaged epidermis is high, it can be easily harmed.

The cosmetologist recommends how to care for the skin after peeling so that the epidermis is restored without scars and blemishes immediately after the procedure. In addition to a number of standard manipulations, the beauty salon master will share with you special secrets of maintaining the peeling effect and prescribe a suitable line of products for post-peeling care. But keep in mind that you can use cleansers after facial peeling only after 3-4 days.

The rehabilitation period, depending on the depth of exfoliation, can last up to 3 weeks. In this case, you need to use cosmetics with extreme caution. The main thing is to avoid irritation, allergies, and clogged pores. When the epidermis is completely restored, you will again be able to use your favorite decorative cosmetics.


Proper care after peeling guarantees a woman a good result from the procedure and protects her from complications. Adverse reactions arise not only through the fault of the cosmetologist, but also from how the rehabilitation period goes. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the salon master, use all prescribed products and medications and avoid amateur activities. Then exfoliation will be very effective, and the risks of complications will be reduced to zero. Skin glowing with beauty and youth will be a reward for your patience.

If you decide to have your face peeled in a cosmetologist’s office, we recommend reading this article. In it we will tell you in detail why skin care after the procedure requires special attention and what it should be.

  1. Why do you need skin care after peeling?
  2. What reaction is normal?
  3. Stages of post-peeling care
  4. Review of skin care products after peeling
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. Rules of care
  7. How to find out whether the skin has recovered or not

Why do you need skin care after peeling?

Peeling changes the quality of your skin for the better. © Getty Images

evens out skin tone and texture;

reduces acne spots;

smoothes out emerging wrinkles;

improves the overall appearance of the skin.

But for all of the above to become a reality, you must adhere to the rules of the game. What does it mean?

Firstly, do not forget that any aggressive effect on the skin (and peeling is a real stress for it) requires a recovery program.

Secondly, after peeling, the skin is especially vulnerable to all kinds of infections and becomes very sensitive due to the fact that its top layer is damaged. Therefore, special protection is required.

Thirdly, after peeling, skin cells begin to work more intensively, which ensures accelerated renewal. Your task is to help them in this difficult task with the help of cosmetics.

What reaction is normal?

If you are an active user of social networks, then you know that specialized skin care communities are full of discussions about how peeling affects the skin. Horror stories coexist with stories about wonderful acids that overnight made my mother look like her sister.

In order for the result after peeling to be satisfactory, the skin must be provided with proper care. © Getty Images

We all have subjective assessments, which can be both positive and negative. The point is that exfoliation is truly transformative. But what it will be like depends, among other things, on post-peeling care.

Before starting the procedure, it makes sense to check how the skin reacts to exposure to chemical agents.

What to pay attention to immediately after peeling?

during peeling you feel a slight tingling and burning sensation;

after the procedure, the skin became noticeably red;

a day later the skin began to peel.

ulcers and inflamed areas appeared on the skin;

you experience itching and discomfort;

on the third day after the procedure, redness of the skin does not go away;

Weeping areas have appeared at the site of peeling and constant itching bothers me.

Stages of post-peeling care

Caring for after peeling does not cause any difficulties. © Getty Images

Despite the fact that women like the results, not everyone is ready to repeat the procedure. In most cases, the explanation comes down to two main complaints - discomfort during the process and too labor-intensive skin care after peeling.

It’s hard to disagree with the first one, although in fairness it should be admitted that the feeling of discomfort during the procedure is individual: someone feels burning and itching, while for others the session goes almost unnoticed.

As for care after chemical peeling, it is complicated only at first glance. It really comes down to three basic steps:

powerful UV protection (SPF 50).

Let us warn you right away: the best time for peeling is evening. You can then apply your usual night cream, perhaps in a thicker layer than usual, to allow the cells to receive maximum support. In addition, night is the time for restoration work. The same care program:

delicate cleansing with mousse or foam (no scrubs!);

UV protection with the most powerful SPF (daytime) and nutrition and hydration (evening).

The rehabilitation period after a medium peel is slightly longer than after a superficial peel. This is due to the deeper effects of acids on the skin. Recovery is usually 5–8 days. On the third day, active peeling may begin. The main thing is not to tear off the crusts, let them come off naturally. Otherwise everything is the same:

gentle cleansing without scrub;

UV protection during the day and nutrition or hydration in the evening.

Deep peeling is performed in a hospital setting.

General recommendations after any type of peeling:

reduce physical activity to a minimum;

exclude alcohol, spicy and too salty foods;

cancel the bathhouse and sauna;

Avoid direct sunlight.

Review of skin care products after peeling

Gel with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts soothes, softens and moisturizes sensitive skin.

Restoring soothing agent Cicaplast Baume B5, SPF 50, La Roche-Posay — madecassoside improves the recovery process. High UV protection factor prevents pigmentation.

The rich formula, enriched with ceramides and hyaluronic acid, provides long-lasting hydration throughout the day.

Revitalizing night care Idéalia, Vichy — hyaluronic acid helps the skin retain moisture, valuable apricot oil nourishes the skin, vitamin B3 soothes and stimulates the synthesis of ceramides.

A product with a maximum concentration of lipids: 2% ceramides, 4% cholesterol, 2% omega-6 and -3 fatty acids - replenishes the supply of essential lipids, enhances the protective function of the skin and supports its ability to self-heal, correcting visible signs of aging.

Hydrogel mask Advanced Génifique, Lancôme When in contact with the skin, it maximizes its best properties thanks to its special texture, which allows it to maintain a high concentration of active ingredients and probiotics.

Precautionary measures

As we have already said, any peeling is stressful for the skin. Try to adhere to the following recommendations in order to feel the effect of this not-so-pleasant procedure as quickly as possible.

Avoid visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

No alcohol or spicy food.

Follow the most gentle care regimen.

Rules of care

It is better to avoid oily textures and attempts to reduce flaking with the help of fatty creams, this will reduce the effect of the procedure to nothing (or even lead to comedones).

You will know that your skin has changed as soon as the recovery period is over.

Skin tone will become more even.

Blush and glow will appear.

Your face will look fresh - so fresh that your friends will probably ask where you had such a good time.