A pregnant woman went to a solarium

Many women regularly visit the solarium because they want their skin to be beautiful and golden, regardless of the time of year and the weather outside. With the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers continue to take care of themselves and strive to always look attractive. Therefore, many women wonder: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium while pregnant? An artificial tanning session during pregnancy brings both benefits and harm to the mother and baby. Only by following the rules can you achieve a positive result and not harm either yourself or your unborn child.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Doctors do not recommend visiting a solarium for pregnant women because of the harm that can be caused to the child through the mother's body under the influence of ultraviolet rays. This applies not only to salon procedures, but also to tanning obtained at home using a mini-solarium. Nevertheless, a session in the solarium also brings benefits. To do this, you must follow all the rules for the procedure and be sure to consult your doctor first. However, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which pregnant women are strictly prohibited from sunbathing in a solarium:

  1. first skin type (blue or green eyes, freckles, blond hair and skin);
  2. hypertension;
  3. malignant and benign tumors;
  4. any diseases of the reproductive system;
  5. hormonal disorders;
  6. abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  7. diabetes;
  8. phlebeurysm;
  9. mastopathy;
  10. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  11. taking antibiotics;
  12. threat of miscarriage;
  13. elevated body temperature.

Solarium is a specially equipped cabin or capsule for receiving dosed irradiation with ultraviolet lamps. There are two types of solariums - horizontal and vertical. The latter is currently more popular.

Often in the first days of pregnancy, a woman does not know that she is pregnant. If during this period the expectant mother goes to the solarium, this will not harm the fertilized egg. However, if you know about pregnancy, then hold off on visiting the solarium, since in the first trimester of pregnancy there is a high risk of autoimmune pathologies and circulatory disorders at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg. Also, exposure to ultraviolet rays in a solarium can cause a decrease in the production of folic acid (vitamin B9), which in the early stages of pregnancy provides the unborn baby with the necessary speed of growth and development. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to premature termination of pregnancy due to placental insufficiency. Do not forget that in the first trimester hormonal changes occur in the female body, therefore the reaction to ultraviolet rays will also change. Therefore, instead of a beautiful golden tan, the result of the procedure may be pigment spots on the skin. If the expectant mother feels excellent in the first trimester, then with the doctor’s permission and subject to all the rules, you can visit the solarium. But if a threat of miscarriage has been diagnosed, then overheating in a solarium is strictly prohibited.


In the second and third trimester, it is dangerous for expectant mothers to visit a solarium, since due to temperature changes, premature labor may begin or a miscarriage may occur. And regular exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause severe swelling due to overheating and lack of fluid. The greatest risk of overheating is observed in the later stages, so it is best to refrain from artificial tanning and be careful when exposed to direct sunlight. During overheating, a protective mechanism is triggered in a woman’s body, and she copes with this situation through increased sweating. The child does not have such a mechanism, so such temperature changes are undesirable for the baby.

It is also harmful for pregnant women and their future babies to sunbathe on their backs in a horizontal solarium or under the sun. This is due to the risk of compression of the vena cava, which can lead to the child not receiving enough oxygen and essential substances for development. And for mothers, this position can cause breathing problems, numbness of the lower extremities, dizziness and fainting.


It is difficult for women who are accustomed to solariums to abandon this procedure for 9 months. If you reduce the number of sessions and their duration, and also follow additional rules, then exposure to ultraviolet rays will benefit the expectant mother. But women should not go to the solarium without a doctor's permission. The benefits of artificial tanning for pregnant women are as follows:

  1. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the body produces vitamin D, which the baby needs for bone formation and muscle development. Vitamin D is also necessary to maintain the functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the expectant mother, the load on which is high during pregnancy. And thanks to this vitamin, calcium and phosphorus are normally absorbed in the female body;
  2. An artificial tanning session activates metabolic processes. First of all, this concerns the functioning of the circulatory and endocrine systems;
  3. thanks to the sun's rays (even artificial ones), the immune system is strengthened and the body's resistance to infections increases;
  4. those who suffer from acne can “dry” them in a solarium, after which they will disappear or become less noticeable;
  5. if you follow the rules, tanning in a solarium will not cause burns, while this often happens with natural tanning;
  6. a session in a solarium can prepare the skin for the swimming season and exposure to direct sunlight;
  7. visiting a solarium in cold weather improves your mood.

Rules for salon tanning during pregnancy

If you decide to go to a solarium during pregnancy, then you should definitely take care of your safety during an artificial tanning session. To do this, you must follow the following essential rules:

  1. If before pregnancy you were used to going to the solarium several times a week, then in your pregnancy such a regime of visits is strictly prohibited. Be sure to consult with your doctor and find out how often you can resort to artificial tanning. As a rule, during the entire period of pregnancy you can sunbathe in a solarium no more than 20 times;
  2. Before the procedure, warn the specialists of the beauty salon or tanning studio about your situation. It is best if one of the employees is nearby. This way you can be sure that you will be able to receive first aid if you feel unwell;
  3. the first artificial tanning session should not exceed three minutes, and subsequent ones - 20;
  4. When sunbathing in a solarium, you should wear a swimsuit to protect sensitive skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  5. During the procedure, cover your stomach with a towel;
  6. Put a hat or scarf on your head. This will help protect your hair from drying out;
  7. Be sure to use special safety glasses in the solarium. It is best to purchase your own rather than rent;
  8. Before and after the procedure, apply a special protective cream to your body. The salon's specialists will help you choose the right product depending on your skin type. Before applying, please make sure that it can be used during pregnancy;
  9. under no circumstances use creams with bronzers or cosmetics that enhance tanning;
  10. a few hours before the procedure, take a shower with a soft gel. After this, do not use deodorant, perfume or cosmetics;
  11. in late pregnancy, opt for a vertical solarium. This is a booth in which you need to stand or move;
  12. As you know, tanning beds dry out your skin. Dry skin is prone to stretch marks. Therefore, after the procedure, take a shower with a soft gel and moisturize your skin.

Pregnant women should take a responsible approach to choosing a beauty salon or tanning studio, since not everywhere there is high-quality equipment. And if before pregnancy women do not pay attention to many little things, then expectant mothers need to be more attentive. It is necessary to focus on the following technical aspects:

  1. There should be a call button in the solarium booth. Very often there is such a button, but it is faulty;
  2. the cabin must be equipped with a powerful ventilation system. Due to lack of air, a pregnant woman may experience high blood pressure, dizziness, and even fainting;
  3. if someone was in the solarium before you, then make sure that the booth is disinfected;
  4. Check with the administrator when the llamas were last changed.

Doctors' opinion on tanning in a solarium during pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend pregnant women to visit a solarium due to the risk of overheating of the fetus, the appearance of pigmentation on the mother’s skin and other unpleasant consequences of the procedure. However, in some cases, experts advise pregnant women to visit a solarium to replenish vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, before you sign up for a tanning salon, consult your doctor.

Active insolation, solariums are not recommended during pregnancy, it is better to use creams with a protective factor.

gynecologist, Gavrilov Mikhail Vladimirovich


Reviews from women about solariums during pregnancy

I visit the solarium once a month for 7 minutes. The risks are minimal: no overheating, no lack of oxygen and other horror stories. But you need to get vitamin D somehow. And the pimples that cover your entire face and body after sunbathing become noticeably smaller. For me, the solarium has only clear benefits.



When I registered, the first thing I asked was about the solarium. So, the doctor told me: “under no circumstances should you go to the solarium,” because the body temperature rises there, and this is very harmful for the child. And I used self-tanner all summer and looked great.



I went to the solarium throughout my pregnancy until the 40th week. I told my gynecologist about this, she didn’t forbid me. I think that ultraviolet light is useful, but in moderate doses and without overheating.



I asked the doctor about solariums. He told me it was undesirable, citing the fact that they had not thoroughly studied the effects of solarium on a child. But walking around with the thought “what if it blows over” is stupid.



My doctor (a very experienced, attentive specialist, an older woman) told me that a solarium during pregnancy, especially in cold weather, is USEFUL. Just no more than 6 minutes a couple of times a month. This strengthens the body, prevents colds, and is a source of vitamin D. And frying in a solarium for a long time and is often harmful in any condition.



An artificial tanning session in a solarium can both harm the mother and baby and be beneficial. Doctors do not recommend going to the solarium during pregnancy, but in some cases this procedure will be useful. Only the doctor you are seeing can recommend or prohibit going to the solarium. If you decide to visit, and the doctor approves it, then carefully read the rules of the procedure and in no case neglect them.


Many modern women visit the solarium, trying to get a beautiful bronze tan. After all, women of any age, status and position always strive for beauty, including pregnant women. And the beauty of a tanned body is especially attractive.

In this case, can pregnant women go and sunbathe in a solarium? What benefit or harm can the procedure cause to mother and baby during pregnancy?


Solarium during pregnancy: benefits and harms

There is currently a lot of conflicting information regarding this topic. But the most important thing is that doctors are against solariums during pregnancy.

Experts do not recommend doing the procedure during pregnancy!

But sometimes there are exceptions. In what cases can you visit a solarium during pregnancy?

  1. When visiting a solarium, we are not limited to just a beautiful, long-awaited tan; ultraviolet light also helps in the fight against numerous bacteria and improves the quality of the skin due to its disinfecting properties.
  2. It is an excellent stimulator of vitamin D. And in the fall and winter, this is especially necessary for everyone, and during pregnancy it is doubly useful. Ultraviolet light also helps produce calcium, which is also important during pregnancy. Since most of the calcium in a pregnant woman’s body goes to the baby, the woman may be deficient in it. This can cause bad bones, nails and teeth.
  3. There will be no burns or sunstroke from tanning in a solarium.
  4. It is believed that during pregnancy, some will benefit from such a procedure. This is due to the fact that with the help of ultraviolet radiation the body is generally strengthened and protection against viral diseases and infections is enhanced.
  5. Plus, the opportunity to get a good mood, and a happy mother, a happy baby.

You can only go to the solarium during pregnancy with your doctor’s permission!

No matter how beneficial a solarium may be, pregnancy is an important process in a woman’s life, and she should take maximum care of her health and her baby, so you need to listen exclusively to the advice of doctors.


Solarium during pregnancy is harmful both in the early stages (that is, the first trimester), and during the second and third trimester. It is worth excluding solariums in the very early stages of pregnancy to avoid harm.

Why is solarium harmful for pregnant women? There is no particular danger for the baby if you follow the rules. But in case of violations, dire consequences are possible.

  1. The fetus, while in the womb, is very sensitive to external factors, be it extreme cold or heat. Naturally, for obvious reasons, he will not be able to resist this. Therefore, temperature changes are extremely dangerous for the embryo.
  2. The harm of a solarium during pregnancy can be expressed in the fact that it can have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of a brain that is not yet fully formed. Overheating will also affect the general health and condition of the pregnant woman herself.
  3. Using a solarium can cause excessive pigmentation. Getting rid of it later will be difficult, and in some cases impossible.
  4. Ultraviolet lamps tend to increase the production of hormones, which can have a painful effect on health. This condition can cause premature birth.
  5. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before visiting a solarium, as the woman may have a chronic disease. There is a specific list of diseases for which it is strictly prohibited to visit such places.


  1. Pregnant women are often interested in the question of the dangers or benefits of a solarium, because a situation could arise that a woman went to a solarium and did not know that she was pregnant. And this concern is not unfounded; at such an early stage, all kinds of procedures are really dangerous, including solariums. Therefore, if such an incident occurs, you need to discuss it with your doctor! In general, it all depends on the embryo itself; if the fertilized egg is quite strong, then there is no need to be afraid. But it’s better to refrain and not take risks!
  2. A woman, having an early stage of pregnancy, is unlikely to have done all the tests and gone through all the specialists, so she will not be able to know exactly what she can and cannot do. After all, the body changes throughout pregnancy.

Doctors do not recommend going to the solarium during pregnancy!

Doctors suggest that the tanning process reduces folic acid levels. And for women in this position, this is extremely unacceptable! Since it is folic acid that helps your baby grow and develop, and a deficiency can lead to physical and mental pathology.

That's why pregnant women can't go to the solarium!


How to protect yourself?

There are several types of installations with which tanning is obtained. You can choose any one depending on comfort and functionality. But for pregnant women, the main condition should be the safety of the procedure!


Therefore, you must comply with the following conditions for solarium use during pregnancy:

  1. The cabin should be well ventilated. With a lack of air, blood pressure may rise, slight dizziness and even fainting.
  2. After each client, sanitary and disinfection treatment must be carried out. It is advisable that these procedures be done in front of you; you should not take their word for it. The result of such negligence can be various infections.
  3. Availability and functionality of all standard-compliant ultraviolet lamps. They must be replaced regularly, as they only work normally for a certain amount of time, and then can have harmful effects. Good salons keep a replacement diary, so don’t be lazy and check.
  4. Availability of a working stop or help button.


When performing a solarium procedure during pregnancy, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Before using a solarium, you must find out what phototype your skin belongs to, and they will select a program suitable for it.
  2. Pregnant women are prohibited from violating the regimes and times established according to the individual program.
  3. Before the session, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.
  4. A prerequisite for pregnant women in a solarium is protection of the mammary glands, a bathing suit, and a headdress.
  5. If there are areas with tattoos on the body, they also need to be covered.
  6. The use of tanning creams is not recommended. Pregnant women may develop pigment spots from the substance included in the cream. Since the cream, when absorbed, enters the bloodstream, and subsequently into the placenta to the baby, which is extremely dangerous for the developing fetus.


  1. But sunscreen, on the contrary, is recommended for use and not only in the solarium. Even when just going for a walk on a sunny day, try to treat bare skin. You need to choose the highest quality sunscreen without aggressive substances.

Consult your doctor when choosing a sunscreen!

  1. After tanning, it is recommended to treat the body with moisturizing cream or lotion.
  2. Do not forget about drinking water, since after a solarium the body lacks fluid.
  3. Use special safety glasses to protect your eyes.
  4. Pregnant women are extremely contraindicated to visit a solarium if they feel unwell, have toxicosis or have a fever.

Whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy should only be decided by a doctor! Under no circumstances should you make a decision on your own, otherwise you may harm your baby or your health. In any case, a solarium for pregnant women is not the best idea; it is much better to just sunbathe in the sun!

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, many women blossom during this period and, of course, they want to look well-groomed. Expectant mothers who are used to always having an even tan find it difficult to give it up, especially in the warm season. But achieving ideal results without visiting a tanning studio is not easy, so a logical question arises: is it possible to combine pregnancy and a solarium?

This topic causes a lot of controversy and disagreement. Supporters of artificial tanning claim that the procedure only brings benefits, while its opponents categorically do not approve of the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin of a pregnant woman. Which one is right?

Solarium during pregnancy: benefits of the procedure

First, it is worth mentioning the positive effects of solarium on health. Yes, indeed, there are benefits from the procedure, they are as follows:

  1. A visit to the solarium activates metabolic processes in the female body. First of all, this concerns the functioning of the endocrine system.
  2. Ultraviolet light promotes the production of vitamin D. It is necessary for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body of a pregnant woman. These microelements are important for maintaining the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, which bears a significant load when carrying a child.
  3. Sun rays, even artificial ones, improve the functioning of the immune system and increase resistance to infectious diseases.
  4. If you suffer from acne, psoriasis or eczema, visiting a solarium during pregnancy can dry out the rashes and thereby speed up skin cleansing.
  5. Tanning in a solarium, subject to the recommended time spent in it, does not cause skin burns, as sometimes happens during natural exposure to sunlight. The procedure can serve as a good preparation for the body for the swimming season.

Moreover, visiting a solarium during pregnancy in winter is even more beneficial than in summer. Since it is during the cold season that a woman experiences a shortage of sunlight. But not in all cases, a solarium is useful; artificial tanning has contraindications that need to be taken into account.

Can a solarium harm the health of the expectant mother and baby?

To understand whether pregnant women can go to a solarium and what the downside of this procedure is, let’s look at what tanning is. Changing skin color when exposed to sunlight is a protective reaction of the body.

Since during pregnancy there is a change in hormonal levels that affects the production of melanin (the pigment responsible for skin color), additional stimulation of its production by ultraviolet light is undesirable. If the expectant mother frequently visits the solarium, there is a risk that she will develop not only an even tan, but also a large number of age spots. Read more about skin pigmentation during pregnancy→

This is the first and most likely side effect of the procedure. It does not threaten your health, but can create an unpleasant cosmetic defect.

A woman, as a rule, manages to find out about her situation only a few weeks after conception. Therefore, for some time she continues to lead her previous lifestyle, including visiting a tanning studio, if the procedure was previously commonplace.

Should those who went to the solarium in the early stages of pregnancy need to worry? Even if you were actively sunbathing, not knowing that you were expecting a baby, if you were feeling well, this is not a reason to worry.

A visit to a solarium will not affect the development of a healthy pregnancy, but if there is a threat of miscarriage, the procedure can be dangerous. Therefore, for women who have not yet had time to be examined and are not sure of the normal attachment of the fetus, as well as the absence of diseases in themselves for which tanning is contraindicated, it is better to refuse ultraviolet irradiation.

There is an opinion that solarium during early pregnancy helps to reduce the level of folic acid in the body of the expectant mother. And at the stage of laying the baby’s organs, this is unacceptable, since it increases the risk of congenital pathologies in the child.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the threat of overheating from tanning comes to the fore. Prolonged stay in a solarium leads to dehydration of the body of the expectant mother.

In addition, after the second trimester, it is not recommended to sunbathe for a long time while lying on your back. This position causes discomfort to the child, since the veins and arteries located behind the uterus are pinched and, accordingly, the supply of nutrients to the baby at this moment deteriorates.

In what cases is solarium contraindicated during pregnancy?

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy, if you do not abuse it? Unfortunately, there are conditions in which even short-term ultraviolet irradiation is contraindicated, the main ones being:

  1. first skin phototype;
  2. hypertension;
  3. any diseases of the reproductive system;
  4. hormonal disorders;
  5. abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  6. diabetes;
  7. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  8. elevated body temperature.

While undergoing antibiotic therapy, solarium is also prohibited. This group of drugs provokes increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Note! If you have any of the contraindications listed above, you should not only visit the solarium, but also sunbathe under natural sunlight.

Rules for visiting a solarium during pregnancy

In answering the question whether a pregnant woman can sunbathe in a solarium, the final word should go to the doctor. But you need to keep in mind that most doctors still do not approve of artificial tanning during pregnancy.

If you have no contraindications and you are not going to give up the solarium, you should take care of how to make the procedure as safe as possible. Following a few simple rules will help with this:

  1. Properly prepare for tanning - wash off all cosmetics from your face and body, since under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they can have an adverse effect on the skin. You should also remove contact lenses, if you have them.
  2. Wear all the necessary protective elements - glasses, cap, swimsuit. It is not recommended for pregnant women to sunbathe naked; it is dangerous for the breast skin, which is especially sensitive during this period.
  3. Do not use any means to enhance tanning.
  4. Be sure to take a bottle of plain still water with you. Drinking fluids will prevent dehydration.
  5. The procedure must be carried out without exceeding the recommended time of ultraviolet irradiation. The first visit should last no more than 3 minutes.
  6. If you feel unwell during a tanning session, it should be interrupted immediately.

Reviews from women who combined solarium and pregnancy are mostly positive. But still, we must not forget that the baby’s health during this period completely depends on the mother. Therefore, the woman’s task is to ensure that even such a relatively safe procedure is carried out in compliance with all precautions.

Author: Yana Semich,
especially for Mama66.ru

Useful video: how to sunbathe properly in a solarium?