Ultra Body Lift 10

Ultra-lifting 10 from Lierak Laboratory is an effective solution for facial skin rejuvenation.

Lierak produces products focused on creating perfect forms and images. Constant experiments in the best laboratories on the planet allow us to offer an amazing series of products that simultaneously rejuvenate and refresh the skin.

Ultra-Lifting for beauty!

Ultra-lifting creates the perfect balance between internal and external health. They help maintain youthful and elastic skin. The products in the Ultra-lifting Lierak line are developed and manufactured under completely sterile conditions and in accordance with high quality standards. All products undergo strict control by experts.

Intensive face lifting concentrate Ultra-lifting Lierak moisturizes and nourishes thin skin. It has a prolonged effect and eliminates the effects of aging, correcting facial contours and deep wrinkles.

For which skin: * Age group from 30 to 40 years (tired, aged, aging skin needs to strengthen the oval of the face). * Skin after the summer period requires restoration and renewal. * After eliminating pigmentation due to acne and long-term harmful environmental influences.