Ultrasonic Knife

Ultrasonic Knife: A Revolutionary Tool in Surgery

Surgery is an area of ​​medicine where precision, efficiency and safety play a critical role. With the constant development of modern technologies in medicine, surgical instruments are becoming more and more advanced. One of the latest technological breakthroughs that has revolutionized operating rooms around the world is the introduction of the ultrasonic knife. This innovative tool allows surgeons to separate tissue with unprecedented precision and safety.

An ultrasonic knife is a machine that uses ultrasound to separate tissue during surgery. It consists of a generator of high-frequency electrical vibrations and a transducer that converts these vibrations into ultrasonic waves. As the ultrasonic blade approaches living tissue, it destroys it, allowing for precise and controlled separation.

One of the main advantages of an ultrasonic knife is its ability to ensure minimal impact on surrounding tissue. Compared to traditional methods of tissue separation, such as the use of a scalpel or electrocautery, the ultrasonic knife offers more precise and gentle separation while minimizing damage to surrounding areas.

Another advantage of the ultrasonic knife is its effectiveness in working with various types of tissue. It allows surgeons to easily separate both soft tissue and denser structures such as bone or cartilage. This makes it a versatile instrument for a wide range of surgical procedures.

Safety is another important aspect of an ultrasonic knife. Because it operates without the use of heat, the risk of burns or damage to surrounding tissue is minimized. In addition, the ultrasonic knife has its own penetration depth and feedback control systems, which allows the surgeon to control the process of tissue separation as accurately as possible.

In conclusion, the ultrasonic knife represents a significant breakthrough in surgical practice. Its ability to provide precise, efficient and safe tissue separation makes it an indispensable tool for modern surgeons. With continued advancements in technology and improved design, ultrasonic knives will continue to transform the world of surgery and improve surgical outcomes, opening up new possibilities for patient care.

A section is a section of the wall of a blood vessel between its two valves that does not have a valve or is missing a valve. Here the blood is divided into arterial and venous. There is always an anastomosis between arteries and veins - an anastomosis, where blood flow is regulated by exchanging blood between the venous and arterial beds. Its size is variable, which causes various types of anastomotic obstruction - from blockage to complete failure. Decompensation of blood circulation in one system or another is caused by an increase in blood viscosity, hemodynamic disorder and tissue hypoxia. To a certain extent, the systematic use of certain medications (corticosteroids, contraceptives, amidopyrine, etc.) contributes to the deterioration of cerebral circulation. Sometimes the most significant causes of dyscirculatory disorders are emotional stress, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia with a predominance of vagotonic tendencies, etc. Vasospastic processes are mainly caused by impaired regulation of vascular tone through the autonomic nervous system. Disorders of cerebral hemocirculation are combined with disturbances in hemodynamic rhythm in all vascular zones.