Urbach-Wiethe Disease

Urbach-Wiette disease > **Urbach-Witte** is a severe infectious-allergic skin disease. In 90% of patients, it occurs chronically with multiple rashes throughout the body and gradual spread of the pathological process.

Synonyms acute urticaria, urticaria pigmentosa

Description of the disease

In the mid-20th century, Professor Schwetzer, who discovered this disease, and his student Kolosov managed to discover the exact structure of the causative agent of the disease. It is named after prominent scientists in their honor. A new disease has been discovered based on the disease. Its characteristic feature is multiple rashes all over the skin. Small blisters - blisters - can appear anywhere on the body, but are most often found on the extremities. Their sizes are small, so a person may not pay attention to them. But as soon as the rash becomes large, the patient gets scared and immediately consults a doctor. In children and adolescents who cannot give an accurate description of their feelings, this period is observed for many representatives. The rash spreads rapidly, leaving its owner without clothes due to the fact that the elements change, forming crusts. The disease can be complicated by eczema. This is a pathological skin condition that must be distinguished from dermatitis.

Urbach-Wiethe disease is a rare disease associated with metabolic disorders. The pathology is characterized by the development of cholesterol plaques, which accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and cause ischemia - a violation of the blood circulation of tissues. Most often, the disease occurs in people over 50 years of age. But there is also information about people getting sick in