Mental Development Pathological

This article will examine the concept of pathological mental development. The concept of mental development was briefly covered in previous articles and it is one of the components of many personal characteristics that give the mental state the uniqueness and differences of individuals. A mentally developed person is a multifaceted person with multidimensional thinking. Touching upon issues of mental development, it is worth understanding that when it comes to pathological development, such a definition does not carry the meaning that it has within the framework of abnormal or abnormal development. The concept of pathological development refers to features of mental development that have irreversible consequences and can lead to negative changes in a person’s mental state. In general, in simple terms, the pathological development of the psyche is a process of mental aging. It carries with it long-term negative consequences for the patient’s mental state and behavior.

Often people suffer from Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other diseases in which decreased brain activity is observed. Such diseases are called organic and they have no psychological significance. With such diseases, a person may be halfway to victory in a difficult life situation, but in this regard there is no equality, since each organism has individual characteristics. That is why there cannot be the same advice and recommendations on a particular topic without taking into account the individual characteristics of personality development. It is also very important to take into account the biological age of the patient - at least 5 years until the age of 70. If it is older, then only then can newer studies be taken into account. From this moment, for 3 years and beyond, scientific institutes must work to solve the problem and show the first results until the fall of 2022.

There are two possible reasons for deviations from the norm in human mental development: hereditary and environmental factors. There are several types of this deviation, some of them are called by the type of general mental disorder, others are identified on the basis of characterological characteristics. Depending on what reason determines the predisposition to deviation of mental development from the normative process, there are “heterogeneous” and “homogeneous” types of such a condition. Since the variety of possible forms of pathological development is very large, they are divided according to types of diseases, but are in no way correlated with the origin of the syndrome (phenomenon