Rumbling in the stomach and involuntary release of winds

The rumbling is generated by the abundance of winds, and the winds are generated either by swelling food, or by indigestion caused by one of the causes of this ailment, which may lie in both the digestive organs and food. Most often, the cause lies in the organs and is caused by coldness of nature or loss of strength, as happens in the last stages of consumption. Most often, rumbling is accompanied by a softening of nature and a violent urge to defecate. Sometimes rumbling occurs in the upper small intestines, and then its sound is stronger, and when rumbling in the thick intestines, the sound is lower. If liquid is mixed with the winds, the rumbling sounds like gurgling. Rumbling can be a sign of crisis and a harbinger of relief.

Sometimes it occurs with the participation of the spleen and is often observed in those suffering from jaundice due to blockage, because their intestines are cooled. It often occurs with the appearance of weakness in the liver.

As for the involuntary release of the winds, this happens either as a result of relaxation of the rectum, or during relaxation of the jejunum; These two causes can be distinguished by the presence of weak sensitivity of the anus or rectal prolapse.

Treatment. Rumbling is treated by abstaining from heavy and rich foods, as well as by fasting, enhancing digestion by means known to you and dispelling the winds with the medicines that we mention in the paragraph on wind kulange. One of the good remedies against this is, in most cases, kammuni, as well as falafili and calamus in the form of jam; if the rumbling is accompanied by relaxation, then the Khuzistan medicine is useful. They also take cumin, azhgon, lovage and cumin - one part each, and anise - two parts; powders from this are taken with Sejistan faniz in the amount of five dirhams. Involuntary release of the winds is treated in the same way as anal paralysis is treated, or teriyak and kalkalanaj oil are given. If the cause is the jejunum, then rub in bush oil and similar oils.