Urine therapy for facial acne

Urine for acne on the face is widely used by women of any age group. Men do not really like to experiment and are more squeamish, so this method causes disgust in the opposite sex.

Urine therapy helps to achieve the desired result in a short time. There is no need to spend fabulous sums on cosmetics, because you can use biomaterial available to everyone.

Urine is intended for external treatment of affected skin areas. Some people use it orally, but this method of using urine will not be considered due to lack of evidence. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the medicinal properties of this biomaterial, as well as consider existing contraindications for use and possible adverse reactions of the body.

Composition and beneficial properties

Urine is a chemical compound that contains various active components:

  1. Structured water helps cleanse the skin.
  2. Ammonia has a softening effect. Under its influence, pores open, and skin cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients.
  3. Calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium salts have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Hormones and enzymes have a rejuvenating effect.
  5. Vitamins promote skin regeneration.

The acidity of urine matches the pH level of the facial skin, so urine does not cause irritation when used regularly against acne.

It is recommended to use only a medium portion of fresh urine. When stored for a long time, urine loses its medicinal properties. Some people believe that urine can be stored in the refrigerator, but this is a common misconception.

If you want to get rid of acne, then it is important to follow a number of rules that will help you obtain high-quality biomaterial:

  1. Your diet should not include fatty foods. Avoid smoked foods, exclude spicy foods, and limit your consumption of starchy foods and sweets. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Give up coffee and do not abuse alcoholic beverages. Herbal teas and juices have a beneficial effect on the composition of urine.

Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and systematic stress are not conducive to obtaining high-quality urine for cosmetic procedures at home. Urine therapy implies a responsible attitude towards one's own health and the absence of bad habits.

Children's urine is considered more effective. It does not have such a pronounced pungent odor. The child excretes less minerals in the urine. Therefore, it is allowed to use the urine of your own children to solve problems with skin prone to imperfections.

Mechanism of action

Urine helps not only in the fight against acne, but also has a therapeutic effect in the presence of common health problems:

  1. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. promotes the healing of minor injuries and microcracks;
  3. normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  4. indispensable for bruises;
  5. helps fight external manifestations of food allergies;
  6. treats sore throat;
  7. heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  8. stimulates hair growth;
  9. fights early wrinkles and skin pigmentation.

Urine is used to cleanse the body of harmful substances that reduce its protective functions. It is the so-called toxins that contribute to the appearance of acne on the face. Appearance is a reflection of the condition of the internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to address the problem at the cellular level.

Gray skin color, sagging and many wrinkles on the face indicate an excess of toxins in the body. The hair structure may deteriorate.

Many people know the method of cleansing the body of toxins, but not all people are enthusiastic about the procedure. Using an enema is a simple way to get rid of decay products of pathogenic microorganisms. A week is enough to achieve the desired effect. Procedure for the treatment procedure:

  1. In the morning, be sure to empty your bowels.
  2. Using an enema, inject 200 ml of urine into the rectum.
  3. It is important not to immediately run to the toilet, but to wait at least 15 minutes.
  4. Empty your bowels.

The procedure should be repeated once a day for a week. It is recommended to use morning urine. The method has no side effects, helps cleanse the body of toxins and promotes rejuvenation. The skin of your face will glow with health, become elastic and toned.

Methods of using urine in cosmetology

It is important to familiarize yourself with information on how to use urine to fight acne. Urine contains urea, without which the skin cannot function fully. Urine helps retain moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis.

You should consider how to wash your face with urine:

  1. Only morning urine is used.
  2. Do not under any circumstances dilute the biomaterial with water or other cosmetics if you want to enrich the dermal cells with useful microelements.
  3. Do not wash your eyes to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes.
  4. After washing, you need to rinse your face with cool water, and you can also use a herbal decoction for this purpose. It is allowed to apply moisturizer after completing the main procedure.

It is important to understand what results you will achieve by washing your face with urine every day for a week:

  1. The skin becomes smooth and silky.
  2. Evens out complexion.
  3. Blackheads and acne disappear.
  4. Scars are smoothed out.
  5. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Regular use of urine leads to gradual lightening of the skin. Therefore, tan lovers should not wash their face with urine often.

Lotions have an equally effective therapeutic effect. It is important to familiarize yourself with the procedure:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in morning urine, and then wipe your face with it, thus cleansing the dermis of impurities.
  2. Gauze soaked in urine is applied to the affected areas of the skin. Leave the product for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse your face with cool water. In this case, you should not apply cream.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week until the desired effect occurs.

It is important to use the urine of only a healthy person. Urine from older people is not used in urine therapy. The most useful substances are contained in urine collected around 4 am. Urine during pregnancy (3rd trimester) also has a number of benefits.

It is worth considering how to make a compress with urine:

  1. Soak gauze or terry towel in urine.
  2. Apply a compress to the forehead and chin for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse your face with water at room temperature.

Compresses help fight the manifestations of eczema on the face. You need to apply the above method every day until improvement occurs. It is important to avoid the area around the eyes.

Compresses with urine can also be done in the neck area, especially if you have acne in this area of ​​the skin. But to carry out the procedure, you will need evaporated urine, because the active components in this case will be in increased concentration.


Women are interested in what side effects may arise from the use of urine, and whether there are any contraindications. It is important to consider the following information:

  1. The strong smell of urine can trigger vomiting. Pregnant women are not recommended to make compresses with urine to avoid the gag reflex.
  2. Evaporated urine helps cleanse the skin of dead cells, so women with very sensitive skin types should not use this method.
  3. If you suffer from allergies, it is not recommended to treat acne with urine.
  4. Do not leave urine on your skin overnight. Be sure to rinse your face with water after performing one of the above procedures.
  5. It is advisable to use either your urine or your child’s biomaterial.
  6. You should not wash your face with urine every day for 2 or more months. The desired result is usually achieved within 14-20 days, so do not overuse urine therapy. If there are no visible improvements, then you should look for other ways to combat the disease.

In any case, do not neglect consulting a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the advisability of using urine to get rid of acne. Be responsible for your own health.

In pursuit of beauty and youth, people shell out huge sums of money buying products from the latest developments in the field of cosmetology. However, if you are not a squeamish person, an invaluable, literally and figuratively, rejuvenation remedy is available to you. We are talking about urine therapy for facial skin. The method is controversial and causes a lot of outrage among many, but it exists and has long proven itself to be effective. In any case, the choice is yours. In this publication we will tell you in detail what an amazing and effective remedy urine is for the face, and we will talk about how urine can be used for cosmetic purposes.

Composition of urine and its beneficial properties

Urine is a complex chemical compound that contains a large number of elements. Currently, science has discovered about 150 components of urine. The basic composition of urine is:

  1. water, structured in a strict order, thanks to which it is able to clean well;
  2. ammonia, which helps soften pores, and therefore deeper penetration of oxygen and other beneficial substances into the skin;
  3. calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium salts, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. hormones and enzymes, the natural property of which is rejuvenation;
  5. vitamins that nourish the body and give it strength for regeneration.

A very good feature of urine is its acidity, which completely matches the pH level of our skin, so when using urine the skin does not get irritated.

Today, urine therapy is not recognized by official medicine either as a means of healing the body or as a cosmetic product. But since ancient times, traditional medicine has widely used urine to treat a variety of diseases, and also successfully uses it in cosmetology, for example, urine helps with acne on the face, pigmentation, wrinkles, and has a general anti-aging effect.

It is important to know that you need to use only fresh or evaporated urine; when stored, urine quickly loses its healing properties.

For a high-quality result, the urine must be “clean”. How to achieve this? First of all, review your diet:

  1. Avoid fatty foods, fried, salty, smoked foods, exclude spicy foods, limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods. Add as many fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs to your food as possible.

Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress also have a negative impact on the composition of urine. Therefore, before you start urine therapy, pay attention to your lifestyle and adjust it if necessary.

Urine therapy and health

The list of ailments that urine therapy can treat is almost endless. People using this method report the following results:

  1. relieves any inflammation;
  2. quickly heals wounds and other skin damage;
  3. normalizes the functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  4. successfully treats rheumatoid diseases;
  5. normalizes blood sugar levels;
  6. heals joints and cartilage, indispensable for bruises;
  7. helps overcome food allergies;
  8. treats sinusitis, sore throat;
  9. restores skin well after burns;
  10. heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  11. helps restore skin with eczema and psoriasis;
  12. stops hair loss, stimulates its growth;
  13. Effectively fights wrinkles, scars and skin pigmentation.

The use of urine cleanses the body of toxins and other accumulated harmful substances that poison us and cause various inflammations and defects. Our appearance always depends on the internal state of the body and is its reflection. When the body is “slagged”, acne and wrinkles appear, the color of the skin becomes gray, dull, sagging skin occurs, hair becomes thin and falls out.

Just one week is enough to cleanse the large intestine of toxins. Stages of the procedure:

  1. empty your bowels in the morning;
  2. using a rubber bulb, inject 200-400 grams of urine (in 3-4 doses without breaks);
  1. wait 15-20 minutes, sometimes you need to be patient;

For a high-quality result, the procedure must be carried out regularly throughout the week; it is better to use morning or child urine. The method is safe, has no side effects, cleanses and heals the body well. The result will certainly affect the condition of the skin: it will become elastic, tightened, inflammation will disappear, and the skin will glow.

For more information about the procedure for cleansing the intestines with urine, see the following video:

The use of urine in cosmetology

Urine therapy has been used in cosmetology for a long time and allows one to achieve excellent results even in the most advanced cases. The use of urine for wrinkles and acne is especially popular. Urine can also rid the skin of excessive pigmentation, scars, peeling, manifestations of skin diseases and other defects.

Urine therapy for facial skin is a method of external use of urine.

Using urine on your face, you can achieve the following results:

  1. the skin becomes elastic and smooth;
  2. skin turgor increases;
  3. complexion is normalized;
  4. wrinkles and pimples disappear;
  5. the oiliness of the skin decreases with increased secretion of subcutaneous sebum;
  6. pigmented areas are lightened;
  7. scars are smoothed out.

It is important to know that with regular use of urine, the skin becomes slightly lighter.

For cosmetic purposes, you can only use the urine of a healthy person, preferably your own or a child’s. The urine of a sick person, like that of an old person, is not used in traditional medicine. The richest in useful substances is urine collected around 4 a.m., as well as urine from pregnant women (3rd trimester).

Urine therapy for the face can solve the problem of acne, boils and other inflammations. To treat these problems, compresses with urine are used:

  1. soak gauze (2-3 layers) or a towel in urine;
  2. apply to damaged areas, avoiding the eye area, and keep for 1.5-2 hours;

Compresses with urine will help to cope even with eczema and manifestations of psoriasis on the face. They need to be done every day until there is visible improvement.

If you use urine during a regular cosmetic facial massage, the effect will exceed all expectations. Just apply a small amount of urine to your fingers and massage your face as usual, not forgetting the massage lines. After the procedure, wash with herbal decoction and apply cream to the skin.


The results of urine therapy for facial skin against wrinkles and acne often exceed the effect of using expensive cosmetics. And the rejuvenating properties of urine therapy are comparable to some salon procedures.

Numerous positive reviews from people who use urine therapy for cosmetic purposes speak for themselves. Of course, the method is unique and is not suitable for everyone, but it works great, has no “side effects” and has long been time-tested. If you do not have insurmountable prejudices, this method can be a real discovery for you of a new means of rejuvenation and salvation from many skin problems. We wish you all health and unfading youth!

Urine from acne on the face. One type of urine therapy is external therapy, when urine is used to combat skin problems in the form of compresses, wraps, and rinses. Admirers of this branch of alternative medicine claim that urine can get rid of acne and spots caused by acne in a short time. Traditional medicine, due to the fact that urine changes its composition every hour, which depends on a large number of factors, does not recognize it as a medicine, but does not deny the therapeutic effect provided by urea, the main component of urine. Therefore, the question of whether urine helps with acne remains controversial and has both its supporters and opponents.


Why is urine good for the skin?

The main component in urine that makes it beneficial for the skin is urea. This compound provides the skin with nitrogen, is involved in protein synthesis and moisturizing the upper layer of the epidermis. The small size of the molecules allows the substance to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.

Urine for acne on the face is used due to the properties of urea, of which the following are the most effective in combating the problem:

  1. antibacterial;
  2. antiviral;
  3. antiseptic.

It is thanks to the antibacterial effect of urine that it affects the growth and reproduction of acne bacteria, which cause acne. When comedones form - plugs of sebum and keratinized epidermal cells, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become blocked. And if bacteria get into such a plug, then the inflammatory process begins. Urea inhibits the growth of bacteria and their ability to reproduce.

Due to its actions, urea is included in some cosmetics, only there it is used in the form of a synthetic product.


Urea has the following effects:

  1. retains water in the skin, due to which it is moisturized and the level of amino acids increases;
  2. strengthens the barrier functions of the skin, which becomes more resistant to both chemical and physical irritants;
  3. promotes faster penetration of other substances and oxygen into the epidermis;
  4. softens existing open comedones (blackheads) and facilitates their removal;
  5. It has an exfoliating effect, which means that dead epidermal cells are quickly removed from the surface and do not clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, do not form comedones.

All these qualities of the product improve the overall condition of the skin, making it soft, elastic and smooth.

But most people suffering from acne are repulsed by the mere thought of using their own urine as a waste product on their face. Those who do not have such prejudices actively use methods of external urine therapy and are satisfied with the effect.

Another component in urine that affects acne is steroid hormones. Corticosteroids are found in large quantities in the urine. Therefore, urine therapy is essentially also hormonal therapy and can be used to treat acne caused by hormonal imbalance: in young people during puberty, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during menstruation and conditions associated with induced abortion. Hormonal acne associated with dysfunction of the ovaries and adrenal glands can also be treated with urine. It is known that skin rashes of an inflammatory nature respond well to treatment with hormonal drugs.

Methods of application

To combat acne, urine is used only externally. Depending on the types of acne, their number and stage of development, various techniques are used.

The most common method of use is washing with morning urine. The substances included in its composition are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis and thereby ensure its hydration.


After washing, rinse your face with plain water and then moisturize with cream. Washing well removes dirt and dead particles of the epidermis, which in turn prevents clogging of pores and the formation of acne.

The second method of use is lotions. To do this, you can use a cotton pad or bandage, moisten it in liquid and wipe not only problem areas with acne, but also healthy areas. This is primarily due to preventing the skin from becoming contaminated with acne-causing bacteria. Applications that are kept on the skin for a quarter of an hour are noted to be more effective. As with any cosmetic and therapeutic procedures, regularity and correct execution are important.

Wiping with tampons soaked in urine is recommended to be done twice a day.

Before applying urine to the skin, the latter must be cleaned of contaminants. To do this, use lotion or milk in accordance with your skin type, or the epidermis is steamed in a steam bath prepared with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage. The urine of a healthy person is sterile, so its use will not lead to any allergic reactions or other negative consequences.


If pimples appear singly or are pustular elements, then the liquid can be applied pointwise. To do this, use a cotton swab, which is used to distribute the product. After half an hour, you should wash your face as usual.

To understand whether urine helps against acne or not, it is enough to carry out several procedures. Since people who have experienced this technique on themselves report that after the second use, visible results begin to appear.

You cannot make compresses from urine on inflamed pustular formations. On the Internet you can come across information that recommends moistening a piece of bandage in warm urine, placing it on the affected area and covering it with a piece of cellophane. This type of application is dangerous because it creates a greenhouse effect, and high humidity is a favorable environment for various types of bacteria.

What kind of urine can I use?

People who practice the use of urine in the fight against skin lesions recommend using different types of urine:

The latter type is obtained by the following method: you can take any urine and in any quantity, but you need to boil it for so long that one-fourth of the original volume remains.


But it is important to know that in evaporated urine the concentration of corticosteroids and other substances is very high. The use of evaporated liquid can be equated to hormonal therapy. Therefore, extreme caution is required with the dose and frequency of use. Evaporated urine can only be used locally. Since when it is distributed over large areas, hormones can penetrate through the skin into the blood and then an excess of steroids will occur in the body, which can lead to serious health problems. The presence of steroids is one of the reasons why urine is dangerous to ingest.

You should absolutely not use another person’s urine. Bacteriuria or candidoria - the presence of bacteria or fungi in the urine can provoke various inflammatory skin diseases.

Only our own product is used, but subject to the absence of any diseases of the urinary, reproductive systems and gastrointestinal tract. There is a statement that a child’s urine contains more substances that have a therapeutic effect and it is recommended to use it.

Fresh urine does not have a strong odor, but when it interacts with oxygen and when water evaporates from it, the situation changes, which is why it is recommended to use freshly collected liquid. And in order to reduce the smell, it is advised not to eat spicy, salty foods, large amounts of seasonings and alcohol at night.

For the procedure, it is important to perform the sampling correctly. In this regard, the process is in many ways similar to how urine is prepared for testing. In the morning, the average urine is collected - the first and last are not used. In order to collect it, you should use sterile containers, it is better to use jars from the pharmacy. For acne, use still warm liquid.

How does urine affect comedones?

The appearance of acne begins with the fact that the sebaceous glands, under the influence of various reasons, begin to produce secretion (sebum) more than normal. Sebum cannot come out in a timely manner; it gradually accumulates in the ducts, where it mixes with desquamated (dead) epidermal cells and forms a dense, viscous mixture, which turns into a plug that clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands.


This is how comedones are formed. They come in two types: open and closed.

  1. Open comedones have access to the surface of the skin, where, under the influence of air, the plug oxidizes and turns black - this is how blackheads appear.
  2. Closed comedones do not come to the surface. But the danger lies in the fact that despite the blockage of the ducts, the glands continue to work and secrete secretions, which become more and more numerous. This environment is favorable for bacteria; once there, they cause inflammation and the formation of purulent pimples.

Urine, having a softening property, copes well with blackheads. It changes the structure and consistency of the blood clot and promotes its rapid and safe removal.

For inflamed comedones, “cauterization” with urine prevents bacteria from spreading to neighboring areas, and the presence of hormonal substances eliminates the inflammatory process.


Urine is considered safe for any skin type. But it is important to know that you should not abuse the product. Urine can cause irritation, especially on skin with open wounds or scratches due to various dermatoses.

You cannot use urine for treatment if you have genitourinary diseases, especially pyelonephritis. In this case, if urine comes into contact with an inflamed pimple, it will immediately cause even greater inflammation and suppuration.

A categorical ban on using another person’s urine is always a risk of infection.

It should also be remembered that the use of urine is only the elimination of symptoms, but not the causes that triggered the appearance of acne. Therefore, if the root cause is not eliminated, acne will recur and there is a high probability that the number of rashes will be much greater.

One should not discount the fact that medicine considers urine therapy methods unscientific and informs that ignorance of the composition of urine can lead to irritation of the skin and provoke pustular skin lesions.