
Fatigue is a subjective manifestation of fatigue, expressed in a characteristic set of sensations and a desire to stop working or reduce the workload.

Fatigue occurs after prolonged or intense activity when the body depletes its energy and functional reserves. This is a normal protective-adaptive reaction that allows you to avoid overstrain and overwork.

The main symptoms of fatigue are decreased performance, attention and coordination, deterioration in the quality of task performance, irritability, drowsiness, and muscle weakness. A tired person feels the need to rest and recuperate.

Fatigue can be chronic with constant overload. In this case, it requires changing the work and rest regime, optimizing loads, eliminating stress to maintain health and performance.


The modern world offers us many opportunities for recreation and entertainment. However, despite this, we often feel tired and unwilling to continue working.

Fatigue is a subjective manifestation of tiredness. It manifests itself in the nature of not only physical sensations, but also the mental state, when a person feels the need to reduce his workload or even stop working altogether.

The causes of fatigue can be different and depend on the individual characteristics of each person. Some people experience chronic fatigue even if they get enough rest. This may be due to certain illnesses or stress.

One of the main factors that influences the state of fatigue is monotonous, repetitive work. It can cause a person to feel frustrated and dissatisfied with their job. Monotony contributes to a decrease in motivation and a deterioration in the quality of work performed.

To reduce the feeling of fatigue, you need to change