What is the danger of human papillomavirus type 58?

The content of the article:
  1. Description of papillomavirus type 58
  2. Routes of infection
  3. Main manifestations
  4. Diagnostic features
  5. Treatment method for HPV type 58
    1. Antiviral therapy
    2. Immunomodulatory treatment
    3. Methods of tumor destruction

Human papillomavirus type 58 is an infectious pathogen that belongs to a group with an average (relatively high) risk of malignancy of affected cells. This strain causes papillomas and condylomas both on the surface of the epithelial integument and on the mucous membrane of the anogenital area. It often affects the internal genital organs of a person.

Description of papillomavirus type 58

This strain of the pathogen is considered conditionally oncogenic. It is not as aggressive as types 16 and 18, but also, under unfavorable circumstances, becomes a catalyst for oncological processes.

Both men and women can become infected with papillomavirus type 58. The latter more often become “victims” of infection due to the structural features of the reproductive system and the presence of a larger area of ​​genital mucosa than in men. Also, women are more likely to suffer from papillomatosis caused by the 58th virus, as well as type 66.

Representatives of the stronger sex very often act as exclusively carriers of the infection, infecting their partners.

In women, pathogen type 58 causes not only the formation of growths on the body and genitals, but also cancer of the reproductive organs. Men are much less likely to develop external manifestations of HPV. In some cases, the pathogen provokes the development of oncological processes in the bladder and intestines.

Papillomavirus type 58 is secretive; it can live in the human body for a long time without external manifestations. But sooner or later it will become active. In this case, the pathogen changes healthy human DNA, causes skin cells to actively divide and form papillomas, condylomas and warts. Also, uncontrolled division of epidermal cells often leads to their malignancy. This is a direct path to cancer.

Ways of infection with papillomavirus type 58

HPV is spreading quite actively among the world's population. 7 out of 10 people in the world are infected with this pathogen. There are several ways to spread human papillomavirus type 58, but the main one is sexual. Transmission of the virus occurs through unprotected intimate intercourse. There is also a possibility of penetration of the smallest pathogen through the pores of the latex of the condom. Therefore, you can become infected with HPV even if you follow the rules of safe sex.

For this reason, those at risk are people who are promiscuous and those who entered into intimate relationships at an early age. Frequently changing partners poses a risk of HPV infection.

In addition, papillomavirus type 58 is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person at home when using only personal hygiene items, dishes, and linen. If there are even microdamages on the skin or mucous membranes, then HPV can penetrate deep into the epidermis through them and begin its development.

Slightly less common, but transmission of the virus is still possible from an infected mother to her child during childbirth and breastfeeding. Therefore, if the expectant mother is diagnosed with active HPV and there are neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the genital tract, then a cesarean section may be indicated to exclude the possibility of infection of the baby.

It is worth noting that papillomavirus type 58 cannot always be activated in the body. Its implementation may be hindered by strong human immunity. However, if the body's immune response is reduced For various reasons, infection will certainly occur.

At risk are people with the following disorders:

  1. Those who have had colds or infectious diseases;
  2. With exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  3. With sexually transmitted diseases;
  4. With pathologies of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  5. With frequent hypothermia;
  6. Suffering from immunodeficiency conditions.

In addition, HPV type 58 affects people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and have bad habits.

Main manifestations of HPV type 58

The main manifestations of the activation of this pathogen are papillomas and condylomas on the genitals, in the anus and in the mouth. Condylomas resemble heads of cauliflower; papillomas appear as single growths, the color of which does not differ from the color of the skin.

Flat papillomas are not always noticeable and can blend into the skin. Therefore, their visual diagnosis is often difficult. Such neoplasms do not cause physical discomfort if they are not located in places where clothing rubs. They are painless, but quite dangerous due to the likelihood of malignancy.

This is especially true for genital growths in the fairer sex: on the labia, vulva, vagina, cervix, perianal area, perineum. In the absence of correct treatment for human papillomavirus type 58 in women, neoplasms can grow and affect the urethra and rectum. Thus, urination and bowel movements become difficult.

In the case of infection in men, neoplasms can affect the head and shaft of the penis, scrotum, pubis, perineum, and mouth. Initially, condylomas appear in the area of ​​primary infection. Further, the growths can increase the affected area, cover the entire groin area, and move higher - to the stomach, chest.

Features of diagnosing papillomavirus type 58

Gynecologists diagnose this virus in women, and urologists in men. If there are visible signs of papillomatosis, the patient should contact these specialists.

If the primary symptoms are clearly expressed, then visual diagnosis is not difficult. Laboratory tests are necessary to complement the clinical picture of the disease - to identify the viral load, the strain of the pathogen, and its sensitivity to certain medications.

Diagnosis of papillomavirus type 58 in women is difficult if the tumors are concentrated on the internal genital organs. In this case, condylomas can develop for a long time and be detected only during a routine examination.

As for laboratory tests, if HPV is suspected, the following types of examinations are prescribed:

  1. PCR. A smear is taken from the cervical canal in women or the urogenital canal in men. The DNA of the pathogen and its strain are determined in the laboratory.
  2. Digene-test. The most accurate modern research. Scraping from the genitals is used. The analysis allows you to determine the strain of the virus and its concentration in the blood.
  3. Cytoscopic analysis. Epithelial cells of the genital organs are examined for the presence of cancer formations.
Important! In some cases, if malignancy of growths is suspected, a biopsy of papillomas and condylomas can be performed.

Treatment method for HPV type 58

Treatment of papillomavirus type 58 is carried out using various methods, but none is effective enough to completely kill the pathogen. However, correct therapy can effectively suppress it in order to avoid relapses and minimize the risk of cancer.

Antiviral therapy for papillomavirus type 58

To date, it has not been scientifically established that antiviral therapy can effectively suppress the activity of this type of pathogen. The success of this treatment depends on the body’s immune response, the stage of the disease, and the patient’s individual response to the drug.

Medicines for human papillomavirus type 58 are used to reduce the viral load and prevent its spread throughout the body. These medications can be part of complex therapy or used independently.

The following combined action agents have proven themselves to be effective in suppressing the activity of human papillomavirus type 58:

  1. Viferon. A drug from the antiviral group of the human interferon class. It has an immunostimulating effect and local antiviral activity. It comes in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments for external use.
  2. Altevir. Belongs to the group of human alpha interferons. It has a suppressive effect on viral RNA, activates the work of T-lymphocytes, and has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of enzymes and cytotoxins. Prevents malignant cells from multiplying and reduces the risk of malignancy. Usually given in the form of injections.
  3. Roferon A. Identical to natural interferon alpha 2-a. Suppresses human papillomavirus type 58, stimulates the immune system, which manifests itself in the elimination of infected cells. It prevents malignant cells from growing and has an antitumor effect. Available in the form of injections.

Analogues of the above drugs - Panavir, Epigen Intim - can also be prescribed.

Immunomodulatory treatment of HPV type 58

These drugs are prescribed, as a rule, in the initial stages of the disease, when it is necessary to increase the patient’s immunity. Typically, immunomodulatory treatment is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the presence of human papillomavirus type 58 in men and women.

The main task of this group of products is to activate the body’s protective function, enhance the production of immune cells of all types, as well as antibodies that will effectively fight the pathogen.

The following immunomodulatory agents give good results against papillomavirus type 58:

  1. Allokin-alpha. Demonstrates excellent effectiveness, especially in the treatment of cervical papillomatosis in women. Participates in the synthesis of interferons and antiviral antibodies. Injected under the skin.
  2. Immunomax. An immunomodulatory agent that enhances the effectiveness of macrophages that produce bactericidal substances. It comes in the form of injections for subcutaneous or intravenous administration.
  3. Isoprinosine. A new stimulator of the immune response. Includes inosine and salts of various acids, which are involved in the production of T-lymphocytes, the formation of antigens, and increasing the amount of immunoglobulin. Available in the format of injection solutions and tablets.

In addition to these drugs, for human papillomavirus type 58, their analogs are prescribed - Gepon and Galavit, which are also activators of the human immune system.

Methods for destruction of tumors with HPV type 58

Destruction methods for HPV are relevant when neoplasms are present on the patient’s body or mucous membranes - benign or malignant. The doctor can choose from a wide range of methods of physical influence on the growths, taking into account their location, the degree of damage and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Today, the following methods for removing growths from papillomavirus type 58 have proven themselves well:

  1. Laser removal. The laser beam is used as a “scalpel” and cuts off the attachment site of the tumor from the skin. A minimally invasive method that does not cause massive bleeding and rarely leaves scars. The price of laser destruction of tumors is 1000-2200 rubles in Russia and 400-600 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Radio wave excision. Radio waves act directly on the growth. This prevents damage to adjacent healthy tissues. There is no physical contact of the devices with the tumor. The method is painless and quite effective. The cost of radio wave excision of papillomas for type 58 virus is 1600-2600 rubles in Russia and 500-800 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Electrocoagulation removal. A current of different frequencies is used, which specifically affects the tumor tissue. Suitable for removing single papillomas and condylomas. The price of electrocoagulation is 700-1700 rubles in Russia and 300-550 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Cryosurgery. This uses liquid nitrogen, which is applied directly to the diseased area of ​​the body. Freezing of the tissue and subsequent rejection occurs. There is a risk of not completely removing the papilloma, as well as “affecting” neighboring healthy tissue. The cost of cryosurgery is 900-1500 rubles in Russia and 300-430 hryvnia in Ukraine.

To remove papillomas with type 58 virus in women and men, various chemical solutions, which have a destructive effect on neoplasms. They use Celandine, Solcoderm (read reviews), as well as various acids - trichloroacetic, nitric and others. They burn out the affected tissue, which subsequently dries out and is rejected.

What is papilloma virus - watch the video:

The 58th strain of papillomavirus is a pathogen of moderate oncogenicity. Under certain circumstances, it can cause cancer in men and women. Therefore, when it is detected, especially when it manifests itself in the form of tumors on the body, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment to suppress the activity of the pathogen.