Vacuum facial massage technique

The content of the article:

  1. Types of vacuum massage
  2. Silicone jars
  3. Hardware
  4. Glass jars
  5. Rubber massager
Features of the procedure: Forehead area Lower and upper eyelids Neck and chin Contraindications Effect

Vacuum massage is not the latest medicine; it has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. However, it gained its popularity in cosmetology relatively recently and has already shown its effectiveness in rejuvenating and increasing the elasticity of facial skin.

Types of vacuum facial massage

At home, you can use rubber, silicone or glass jars for massage, or choose a special vacuum massager.

Vacuum facial massage with silicone jars

Silicone massage cups are very convenient to use and are widely used both at home and in beauty salons. This is the most popular method of cup therapy at the moment.

They have the following properties:

Tightness. The shape of the jar is arched, with a dense, smooth ring at the base. It glides smoothly over the surface of the skin, does not slip and reliably maintains the vacuum inside.

Ease of use. The size of the cans is universal, it is suitable for use on various areas of the face and neck. All the necessary accessories for vacuum massage are easy to take with you when traveling, since they take up very little space and do not require electricity or fire.

Durability. Silicone jars do not break or break and are made from environmentally friendly material.

To do a home massage with the help of such cups, you just need to prepare your facial skin by first applying massage cream or oil, lightly squeeze the silicone and fix the jar on the skin. After this, you can proceed directly to massage movements.

Hardware vacuum facial massage

A vacuum massager is an electric device with several attachments for massaging various areas of the body and face. As a rule, it works both from the mains and from AA batteries.

Both the massager and the cups are equally effective. The main advantage of purchasing a special massage device is the ability to regulate the vacuum pressure.

When you use silicone cups, especially during the first procedures, excessive exposure to the skin can damage small vessels. When massage with a vacuum device, this risk is minimal, since you can adjust the intensity of the vacuum by choosing the desired mode.

Another advantage of the device over banks is ease of use. You don't have to put any effort into squeezing the tight edges of the jar to create a vacuum. Despite their apparent simplicity, these actions require a lot of energy. You hold the massager by the comfortable handle and easily move it in the desired direction.

Using glass vacuum jars for facial massage

Modern glass devices for vacuum massage are a familiar jar with a ring-shaped base, on top of which a rubber pump is attached. Using this device, air is drawn out of the can.

They are very easy to use: you simply squeeze the pump with your fingers and place it on the skin. When you open the pump, the skin will be pulled into the jar a few millimeters. The main advantages of glass massagers are ease of cleaning after the procedure and the absence of staining as a result of oils getting on the material.

Disadvantages include fragility, since glass can be damaged if handled carelessly.

The use of rubber massagers for facial massage

Vacuum rubber massagers are the cheapest method of cupping therapy. They are rougher than silicone ones, which makes it possible to increase the intensity of the procedures.

The degree of impact on the skin is regulated by squeezing the jar with your fingers. Modern devices have a comfortable round pump that is easy to hold with your hand while performing massage movements.

One of the main disadvantages is the “absorption” of the odors of massage oils and creams by rubber. They cannot be completely washed, which can lead to the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms.

Features of vacuum massage on the face

If the technique of performing vacuum massage at home is incorrect, instead of rejuvenating and firming the skin, you can get serious negative consequences in the form of inflammation, bruising and vascular damage. The procedure must be performed along certain lines, which should be studied before the first massage session.

How to massage the forehead with vacuum cups

The forehead area is quite mobile, and over time, facial wrinkles and even deep folds appear on the skin. To prolong youth and restore former elasticity, vacuum massage is used.

The procedure algorithm is as follows:

  1. Before the session, you need to cleanse your face of makeup and cosmetics. It is also recommended to wash your face with cold water - this will prepare the skin and blood vessels for exposure to vacuum and prevent bruising.

Warm up your facial muscles slightly while applying the cream or oil.

Start the procedure from the center of the forehead, place the jar in the middle and draw lines to the temples.

Then perform vertical movements - from the eyebrows up to the hairline.

Pay special attention to the transverse frontal seam. Using circular movements, massage it a little longer than other areas.

For the procedure, you will need two jars of different diameters - 33 mm and 22 mm. First, start the course with a large jar, then repeat the same with a small one.

When you move the jar, the skin should not bunch up or stretch. Avoid such phenomena by holding it with your other hand. If the surface still assembles, it is necessary to reduce the vacuum pressure.

Correct vacuum massage in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids

Sensitive eye skin directly in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids is not massaged at all. You will only damage blood vessels and add wrinkles. Even the smallest nozzle or small jars do not have the necessary delicate effect.

To achieve rejuvenation of this area, proceed as follows:

  1. Generously lubricate the area around the eyes with rich cream. You can also use massage gels or unrefined vegetable oils. For example, jojoba oil is excellent for these purposes.

Place the vacuum device on the tip of the nose and draw a line to the eyebrow crease.

Under the eyes, massage along the upper border of the cheeks, drawing lines from the nose to the beginning of hair growth in the temple area. Use a massager with a diameter of 11 mm.

You can place one jar of the smallest diameter in the corners of your eyes for 5 seconds. It is necessary to operate very carefully, with slight retraction of the skin into the massager.

You can also target the lower and upper eyelids. If the skin in the eye area is not elastic, before placing the massager you should slightly stretch it with two fingers, making a kind of “spacer”.

Vacuum massage technique for the neck and chin

The lower part of the face begins to be affected, starting from the neck. After applying the cream, follow these steps:

  1. From the base of the neck on the right and left sides, draw lines to the chin. The center of the neck cannot be massaged. Use jars of large or medium diameter (33-22 mm).

Place the cup on the middle of your chin and move along your lower jaw to your earlobe. Work the area under the chin and under the jaw arch. Repeat the same on the other side.

Massage your chin in a circle, from right to left.

To target nasolabial folds, take a nozzle with a diameter of 11 mm. Place it at the base of the nose, closer to the inner corner of the eye, and move along the crease with small circular movements.

The space from the upper lip to the nose is massaged with a small nozzle, while the mouth is open and the skin above the lip is taut. Walk along the orbicularis oris muscle, stopping in the area of ​​wrinkles.

The passage of the massager through the jaw muscles should be free. If you feel that your muscles are not allowing the jar through, take your time. Try to relax your jaw, open your mouth, or smile. Achieve freedom of movement.

The first procedures should be short and non-intensive. As the number of sessions increases, the level of load can be increased. In general, one session takes no more than 10-15 minutes. Draw the jar along each line at least 4 times.

Contraindications to vacuum massage

Massage with a vacuum jar or a special device is not suitable for everyone. Before starting rejuvenation sessions, pay attention to the list of contraindications.

Vacuum can massage is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. Presence of acne. The procedures may worsen the appearance of acne on the face.

Cuts or other injuries to the skin, inflammation in the massaged area.

Benign or malignant formations in the face and neck area.

Large moles, papillomas, warts.

Acute inflammation of the facial nerve.

Colds, flu, ARVI, poisoning. It is better to postpone any massage procedures for the duration of acute illnesses - with elevated temperature, weakness, body aches.

Increased fragility and fragility of blood vessels, diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.

The effect of vacuum cans during facial massage

You should not expect a pronounced visual effect after the first home sessions. A massage course consists of at least 10-15 procedures, which are performed every other day.

After completing the full course, you will notice the following changes on your face:

  1. The skin will become refreshed and tightened. The contour of the face will become more defined and smooth.

The overall tone of the facial skin will increase and the double chin will disappear.

Swelling, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes will go away.

Fine wrinkles will become less noticeable or disappear completely.

Old scars and scars will fade and smooth out.

You should not do the procedure before important events, especially if you are a beginner. Incorrectly calculated pressure or prolonged exposure of the skin to the can will lead to the formation of redness and pinpoint hemorrhages.

Be sure to keep jars clean and treat them with soap or an antiseptic solution before and after using them. Do not lend it to other family members or friends.

How to do a vacuum facial massage - watch the video:

An indispensable procedure for women after thirty - vacuum massage - is a comprehensive treatment of facial skin with an amazing subsequent effect. You can conduct the session at home yourself or leave it to a cosmetologist. The latter option is preferable: although vacuum massage has many advantages, the main disadvantage is the risk of injuring the skin.

What is vacuum massage

A cosmetic procedure during which the face or body is exposed to special cups that draw in the skin is called vacuum massage. The benefit of this is achieved due to the fact that, due to pressure, the connective tissue capsule with fat cells ruptures, the contents come out, and the lymphatic system removes it from the body. In addition, the vacuum facial massager acts with a pulse wave in all directions, that is, comprehensively, eliminating not only swelling and deposits, but also other skin defects.

Effect of vacuum massage

The effect of the procedure is strong, powerful and even a little aggressive. This contributes to the following beneficial effects of vacuum massage:

  1. unevenness of the skin surface is removed, it ceases to be lumpy, becoming smooth and soft to the touch;
  2. swelling is eliminated, regardless of the cause;
  3. due to the effect on fat deposits, the effect of facial slimming is observed;
  4. tissue trophism increases, as a result of which the texture and tone of the skin improves, it becomes more elastic;
  5. shallow wrinkles are smoothed out;
  6. fibrosis decreases (overgrowth of connective tissue due to excessive collagen production);
  7. blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated;
  8. the regeneration properties of the epidermis are enhanced;
  9. bags under the eyes are eliminated;
  10. pigment spots become less noticeable, scars fade.

Keep in mind that such results are fully observed only when the procedure is performed by a certified cosmetologist, following all the rules and using the appropriate tools. A home session is possible if you purchase special equipment, but you should not expect a comprehensive result from a vacuum massage done according to instructions on the Internet.

Indications for vacuum massage

Although the procedure has a complex effect, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, there is no need to do it at the age of twenty, when the skin looks good. But the session will help with the following indications:

  1. pronounced unevenness of the skin;
  2. fat folds;
  3. swelling;
  4. fullness of the face (keep in mind that a round type also needs a suitable haircut, makeup, etc. to “lengthen” it);
  5. sagging skin (age from 30 years);
  6. dermatofibromas;
  7. circulatory and lymph flow disorders;
  8. bruises under the eyes.

Contraindications to the procedure

Unfortunately, the procedure is contraindicated for some women and in order to remove the above skin defects, they have to resort to other manipulations. So, vacuum massage cannot be done if:

  1. the presence of injuries and open lesions on the skin: scratches, cuts, bleeding wounds, ulcers;
  2. rosacea;
  3. large moles on the face;
  4. sensitive, easily vulnerable skin;
  5. fragility and fragility of blood vessels;
  6. if the area of ​​inflammation (pimples, acne, clogged sebaceous glands) is too large.

Types of cupping massage

There are several types of vacuum manipulation, depending on what tools are used to carry it out. In the first case, special jars are used, which can be made of different materials: silicone or glass. In the second, hardware massagers are used. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Silicone jars

The most popular way to perform cupping facial massage. Silicone devices are convenient to use, they are airtight (the vacuum is securely maintained inside, and the tool does not slip) and durable (after all, you cannot break them even if you try). Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that you have to regulate the retraction force yourself, and also that the cans do not hold their shape.

Glass vacuum jars

The traditional material for making jars - glass - is not nearly as soft as silicone, so the procedure carried out using such devices is painful, although it shows good results. The advantages of using these tools include ease of use, ease of cleaning, and the fact that when they come into contact with oils and other additional products for vacuum massage, they do not stain. One of the main disadvantages is the fragility of the material, since glass is easy to break.

Hardware massage

An electric massage device is a special device with attachments for treating the skin. Can be powered by mains power or AA batteries. Using the device, it is convenient to regulate the suction strength, so the risk of skin damage even during the first use is minimal. The intensity of the impact is controlled by selecting the desired mode. The effectiveness of massage for cups and the device is approximately the same, but the massager is easier to use. The main disadvantage: the high cost of the tool.

Rubber massager

It is convenient to use rubber massagers - the degree of impact is adjusted by squeezing the can - in addition, these devices are the cheapest. However, this material is rougher than silicone, and therefore increases the risk of injury to the skin. On the other hand, if more aggressive action is needed, rubber is best. It will not be possible to use such massagers for a long time - the material absorbs the odors of cosmetic oils used for the procedure well and is difficult to wash off, so use after several times becomes unhygienic.

Laser-vacuum massage

This type combines two techniques at once. First, the facial area is treated with a glass bulb and then with a low-intensity laser. Double exposure increases the list of contraindications for the procedure, but also provides more benefits, including:

  1. trophic-stimulating effect;
  2. elimination of edema;
  3. removal of inflammatory processes;
  4. pain reduction.

Vacuum roller

This type of vacuum massage has a lifting effect and activates metabolic processes, making it ideal for treating mature skin. It is performed using a special non-traumatic device. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that this and the previous procedure can only be carried out in the salon. The device can also be purchased for home use, but it is expensive and requires additional training in use.

Price for vacuum facial massage

The cost of the procedure depends on the tools used and other factors: where it is performed (at home or in the salon), the experience of the specialist, etc. The price breakdown for the Moscow region is shown in the table below.

Facial massage with vacuum cups at home

If cups are used ineptly, vacuum massage leaves behind hematomas. In addition, the effectiveness of home sessions is inferior compared to procedures in the salon. However, if you decide to massage yourself, you need to know some rules. General recommendations are:

  1. purchase the necessary equipment at the pharmacy;
  2. carefully read the instructions for the device;
  3. Before the session, clean not only your face, but also your décolleté; in addition, the skin can be steamed with a steam bath (to enhance effectiveness, add essential oils, extracts, for example, grapefruit or mint, pepper, etc.);
  4. use special oils and creams, after making sure that you are not allergic to them;
  5. start with minimal suction force (do not press the can too hard or set the device to zero mode); be especially careful with areas where the skin is most sensitive - around the eyes, lips and ears;
  6. Keep in mind that massage cannot be done directly near the eyes; The eyelid processing algorithm is listed below;
  7. guide the device strictly along the massage lines;
  8. listen to your own feelings - you should not feel discomfort and especially pain during the procedure, stop immediately if something goes wrong, otherwise instead of beautiful and young skin you will only get bruises;
  9. if you have the means, purchase an electric device for home use rather than cans, as it is easier to get used to;
  10. do not conduct a session before an important event, or better yet, not before leaving the house; The optimal time is before bed or 3-4 hours before a walk. After the procedure, the vessels and capillaries expand, so the skin needs room temperature, without changes in weather conditions (for this reason, opening the balcony or leaning out of the window is also not recommended);
  11. Carry out the procedure no more than once a week (this also applies to visits to the salon), otherwise you will cause bruising;
  12. the first session should last no more than 10-15 minutes, then the time can be gradually increased;
  13. It is recommended to treat the same area with a jar about 4 times per procedure;
  14. do not expect an immediate effect, for a high-quality result it takes time and a course of several sessions; you need to choose the optimal amount for yourself based on the condition of the skin (consult a specialist about this).

Whatever part of the face you are treating, cupping should be easy. To do this, sometimes you have to tighten the skin or adjust the force of impact. The algorithm for a facial vacuum treatment session in the forehead area is as follows:

  1. Clean your face of makeup and wash with cold water (the lower the temperature, the better);
  2. Apply cream or massage oil with stroking warming movements (vaseline is also suitable);
  3. Skin treatment scheme: from the center of the forehead to the temples;
  4. Next stage: vertical movements from the eyebrows up to the hair;
  5. Pay special attention to the transverse frontal seam. Work it in a circular motion.

Two types of cans are used for processing - large (32 mm in diameter) and small (22 mm). The first ones are used first, then the second ones. For massage of the upper and lower eyelids, even smaller devices are used - 11 mm. Operate according to the following instructions:

  1. Lubricate the eyes with a rich cream or oil (for example, jojoba);
  2. Place the jar or massager on the tip of the nose, linger and move upward to the eyebrow fold;
  3. To treat the lower eyelid, smoothly draw lines from the nose to the temples (right up to the beginning of hair growth);
  4. They also treat problem areas pointwise, the force of impact is insignificant.

For the neck and chin, a set of cans of both large and small diameters is used. A special cream is applied to the areas and treatment begins:

  1. Take a 32 mm jar, place it at the base of the neck on the right side, and move it up to the chin. Repeat the technique on the left side. The center of the neck is not processed;
  2. Place the device in the middle of the chin. Several lines are drawn: first along the jaw arch, then under it, to the earlobe. Repeat for both sides;
  3. Massage the chin with circular movements counterclockwise;
  4. Take an 11 mm jar, place it near the inner corner of the eyes on the nose, move it down with small circular movements, smoothing out the folds. Then do the same on the other side;
  5. They open their mouth slightly, thereby tightening the skin above the lip. Massage wrinkles around with a small nozzle.



Marina, 32 years old I couldn’t decide to massage my face with cupping for a long time. It even sounds scary - what if there is damage left? But my friend convinced me that if the master is good, nothing will be injured. It took me a long time to choose a cosmetologist - so that there would be certificates and reviews. I was still afraid - you never know what kind of master. But I chose a good one and I liked the result.

Svetlana, 30 years old I’m used to taking care of my skin, so I always follow the recommended procedures for my age. The cosmetologist advised me to do a vacuum massage, told me how it went and what the result was - I agreed. It is surprising that the declared complex effect is actually present! I look and feel 100%. I recommend!

Tatyana, 37 years old I didn’t like the vacuum massage - it’s not suitable for my sensitive skin, which the master apparently forgot to mention. It’s good that at least it left little traces - no black bruises, just redness, but not much that was pleasant. I advise you not only to consult in the salon first, but also to read about the sessions yourself. I can't recommend it.

Cupping facial massage is becoming most popular among women who want to prolong their youth. If you perform the procedure regularly, you can get rid of swelling, correct the shape of your face, and also reduce the number of wrinkles. You can prepare for a vacuum massage and carry it out correctly by carefully studying all the nuances and technique of implementation.

What is vacuum cupping massage?

Cupping massage is a cosmetic method of influencing the face due to the formation of a vacuum. As a result of the massage, wrinkles are smoothed out and swelling subsides.

  1. Pressure is created and blood flows to the skin.
  2. Blood vessels are damaged, so the body starts the process of repairing capillaries.
  3. Together with the blood, useful substances reach the epidermis.
  4. As a result, the skin is renewed from the inside, becomes smooth and filled with vitamins.

In the beauty salon they perform vibro-vacuum massage using a special device. At home, you can use the cupping method yourself, which is as effective as the procedure done by a cosmetologist.

What are the benefits and harms for the face?

Massage with cups brings both benefits and harm to the surface of the face.

pros Minuses
  1. The surface of the face becomes smooth.
  2. Swelling disappears.
  3. Narrowing of pores.
  4. Scars become less noticeable.
  5. Removing toxins.
  6. Healthy complexion.
  7. Muscle tone.
  8. Jowls tighten (sagging cheeks)
  1. Bruising or severe redness occurs.
  2. Unpleasant burning sensation.
  3. The disease may worsen with damage to the facial nerves.


First you need to choose vacuum jars - they are made of glass, plastic, silicone and rubber. Distinctive characteristics:

Material Description Peculiarity
Glass A container with a rubber bulb, it is convenient to regulate the retraction force. Easy to use, but tend to break if used carelessly. Sold in a set of four pieces of different diameters. Ideal for home use.
Plastic There is a screw through which air is pumped out. There are models with magnets that are used in magnetotherapy. Difficult to use.
Silicone You can buy them at any pharmacy. The cost is low, but the quality is good. Most Popular.
Rubber The most budget option. Perfect for use at home, as well as for beginners. The disadvantage is the absorption of odor from oils.

Let's move on to choosing oil. It needs to be selected according to your facial skin type:

  1. Dry - olive, almond, wheat germ.
  2. Sensitive - argan, grape seed, sea buckthorn.
  3. Mixed - coconut, pumpkin.
  4. Oily – jojoba, avocado.

After choosing the necessary accessories, you need to prepare your face:

  1. Remove makeup and impurities with a cleanser;
  2. blot excess moisture with a towel;
  3. Apply oil with your fingertips.

How to properly massage with cups?

It's time to move on to technique and learn the rules of cupping massage.

General rules for carrying out the procedure at home

By following the recommendations below, you can get the desired effect in a short period of time, without damaging your facial skin.

  1. The jar must be disinfected before use.
  2. It is better to give preference to light oils that do not clog pores. If rashes appear on your face after oil, then a rich cream is perfect for the procedure.
  3. The procedure is carried out from the bottom up, strictly along the massage lines.
  4. It is important to learn how to regulate the retraction of the skin so that bruises do not remain.
  5. After the session, be sure to cleanse the skin with foam or soap.
  6. To see the effect, you must follow a course of procedures.
  7. Recommended age for cupping massage is from 30 years.

It is advisable to do the first course with a cosmetologist; the specialist will determine your skin type and highlight problem areas.

Scheme of massage movements

If you remember the basic massage lines, then vacuum massage with cups will bring visible results. You need to follow them from bottom to top, rising gradually from the neck to the forehead. If you do the procedure in a chaotic manner, you can get the opposite effect or severely stretch your facial skin.

How often should I do it?

Cupping massage is carried out in courses. There are two options:

  1. The course is 10-15 sessions, to be performed every other day. After graduation you need to take a break for one month. Then repeat.
  2. The course is 10 sessions, you need to do it daily. Next, to maintain the effect, massage once or twice a week.

After the first procedure, the effect will appear, millimeter wrinkles will immediately become invisible, and a healthy blush will appear. Crow's feet are removed and eyelids are tightened.

Features of carrying out by facial zones

Cupping massage should be performed strictly along the lines indicated in the diagram above. When a line is drawn from the beginning to the end point, the can is removed and then placed at the beginning.

Zone Can diameter Description
Cheeks. 22 mm Place it at the base of the nose. Move the jar in the direction from the nose to the temple, then from the corners of the lips to the ear. It’s good to work on the cheekbone area. Repeat 4 times.
Forehead. Hold the jar from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the bridge of the nose to the hairline. Repeat 4 times.
Chin. Perform circular movements. The muscles should be completely relaxed. Do it 4 times.
Lips. 11 mm You need to hold the corners of your lips with your fingers and carefully move the jar along the lines. Repeat 4 times.
Eyelids and area around the eyes. Draw along the lines with smooth movements, holding the skin of the face with your fingers. For the eyelids - from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. For the area around the eyes - from the outer edge to the nose. It is very important not to affect the orbital area.

Types of cupping massage with step-by-step techniques

There are two techniques: static and dynamic cupping massage. Let's look at each type:

Step-by-step instructions for static massage

The main feature is that the vacuum can is applied to the desired surface and left in this position for 5-8 seconds. In this way, facial wrinkles are targeted.

  1. Take a small vacuum jar and disinfect it.
  2. Prepare the skin.
  3. Apply oil generously.
  4. Squeeze the jar and lean it against the desired surface.
  5. Leave on for 5 seconds and then remove.
  6. Wash off the oil with warm water using a cleanser.

Guide to dynamic massage

The operating principle is based on smooth movements. For this type, vacuum cans with a diameter of 33 mm and 22 mm are used. This massage is great for areas: cheekbones, chin, neck, forehead.

  1. Disinfect vacuum jars.
  2. Cleanse the skin.
  3. Apply oil with your fingers.
  4. Squeeze the jar, attach it to the skin, and rub it intensively along the massage lines.
  5. Start from the neck, moving to the jaw, cheeks and forehead.
  6. After completion, wash your face using the usual method.

Precautions and contraindications

It is necessary to follow the recommendations for conducting vacuum massage and follow the instructions to avoid negative consequences.

  1. The presence of open wounds or scratches on the face.
  2. Inflamed skin: acne, herpes, rosacea.
  3. Low or high blood pressure.
  4. Too sensitive skin.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Stress.
  7. Problems with blood vessels.
  8. Pregnancy.

Useful video about cupping massage

Video with cupping massage technique from Svetlana Nefedova.

Vacuum massage results: before and after photos of the face

Here are the visible results after one course of procedure. The photographs show:

  1. Wrinkles smoothed out.
  2. The swelling has subsided.
  3. The skin on the neck has tightened.
  4. The oval of the face has become clearer.
  5. Nasolabial folds have become less noticeable.
  6. Both women have looked noticeably younger.

It is worth understanding that cupping massage is not able to solve absolutely all facial problems. But if you choose the right vacuum cups and do the course regularly, your face will noticeably tighten, your skin tone will even out, and deep and expression wrinkles will disappear.