Validol With Glucose

Country of origin - Russia, manufacturers: Akrikhin Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, Tyumen Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant, Farmadon, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva.

Pharm group - Various antianginal agents.

International name - Menthol + Menthyl isovalerate.

Synonyms - Validol, Validol-N, Validol-NS, Validol-TAT, Validol-UVI.

Dosage forms: 60 mg tablets, sublingual tablets.

Composition - A solution of menthol in isovaleric acid menthyl ester.

Indications for use: Angina pectoris, neuroses, hysteria; seasickness (as an antiemetic).

Contraindications - not identified.

Side effects - In isolated cases, slight nausea, lacrimation, dizziness are possible; these phenomena usually go away quickly on their own.

No interaction detected.

Overdose - no data.

Special instructions - no data.


  1. Directory "Medicines" edited by M.A. Klyueva, 2001
  2. "Medicines" M.D. Mashkovsky, 14th edition.