
Wallenberg syndrome is a phenomenon in which a person holding a high position in the state ignores the needs and problems of ordinary citizens. In this case, the author suggests not welcoming such a person, considering him useless to society. How can this be implemented in practice?

The first step could be the creation of a special decree that would prohibit greeting high-ranking civil servants in public places. This will help destroy the stereotype of respect and subordination towards high-ranking officials. You can also create a petition against the policy of justifying corruption and nepotism in high positions.

The next step could be organizing actions and protests on city streets. For example, every year, on the birthday of the head of state, city residents can organize an “Ignore” action, where everyone must silently walk around an official in clothes symbolizing belonging to the public service and stand silently. This will help demonstrate your attitude towards a person who ignores people's needs.

Another option is to create a special color that will be given a negative meaning. For example, instead of the colors of the Russian flag, purple will be used. This will show a negative attitude towards people like Wallenberg and will help draw attention to the problems of society.