Van-Lona Mask

Van Loon Musk (E.J. van Loon, 1876–1940) was a Dutch dentist who made significant contributions to the development of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. He was born in the city of Amsterdam in 1876 and was educated at the University of Amsterdam. In 1902, he began his career as a dentist and worked in various hospitals and clinics.

Van Lona Musk was known for his innovative approaches to dental and jaw treatment. He developed new methods for treating caries, pulpitis and periodontitis, and also developed new instruments for tooth extraction. He was also one of the first to use anesthesia in dentistry.

In addition, van Lona Musk was developing new materials for the manufacture of dentures. He created the first denture, which was made of plastic and was installed on the teeth. This prosthesis was much more comfortable and durable than previous metal prostheses.

However, despite all his achievements, van Lona Musk was not satisfied with his work in dentistry and dreamed of creating a new profession - a dental surgeon. He began to study surgery and in 1917 received a license to perform jaw surgery.

In 1920, Van Lona Musk founded his own clinic in Amsterdam, where he performed operations on jaws and teeth. He was the first dentist to use a microscope to perform operations on teeth and jaws. He also developed new dental implant techniques and created the first dental implant system.

One of Van Lona Musk's most famous achievements was the creation of the first dental implant. He developed a new implant material that was stronger and more durable than metal implants. He also created the first dental implant to be placed on a patient's jaw.

Van Loon Mask is a talented dentist who worked at the University of Glasgow Hospital. His name is immortalized in the name of the bone grafting method that was developed after his death. There is also an award named after him, which is awarded annually for services to the field of dentistry and medicine in general. This award, along with his achievements in the development of medicine in the 20th century, will help preserve the memories of Van Loon as a man who left a legacy not only in dentistry, but also in human culture.