Varices Haemorrhoidales

Varices Haemorrhage is a medical term that refers to the presence of rectal varicose veins (synonym: hemorrhoids) in patients with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a common problem that can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly and correctly.

Hemorrhoids occur due to the following factors:

Sedentary lifestyle or long periods of standing Heavy work involving heavy lifting for long periods of time Obesity because Excessive pressure on the pelvic area leads to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs Staying in a long position with a deeply inclined torso, for example, during prolonged exercise The presence of certain hereditary or congenital abnormalities Violations of venous circulation in the body - varicose veins, blood clots and others Age-related changes (in some cases they even talk about “senile hemorrhoids”) Taking medications such as hormones, diuretics, vasodilators. When treating varicose veins or taking medications that dilate blood vessels, hemorrhoids can sometimes occur. This problem is also possible due to heredity. Smoking and alcohol can increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Drinking alcohol causes enlargement

Varices haemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum) is a pathological condition in which venous blood accumulates and stagnates in the rectal veins, as well as in dilated hemorrhoidal veins. Such changes provoke varicose veins of both large and small arterioles. In this case, degeneration of the venous walls occurs, which contributes to the development of a protrusion that covers the lower veins of the rectum.

According to the latest medical research, varicose veins in men are one of the most common