
Bronchospasm is a sudden and prolonged narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, occurring acutely and manifested by signs of broncho-obstruction and shortness of breath. Spasmodic contractions of the smooth muscles of the bronchi can be caused by exposure to both external stimuli, and can occur randomly in the form of attacks that are provoked by various factors.

Symptoms of the disease Bronchospasm is accompanied by the following symptoms:

severe shortness of breath; noises or whistling when breathing; weakened breathing is observed in the lungs; when inhaling and exhaling, a lot of sputum is released; shallow breathing develops; sharp and rapid heartbeat; blood pressure levels increase; the gas exchange process is disrupted; disturbed by feelings of fear, anxiety; there is difficulty in swallowing; bleeding appears in the nose; eyes become red and swollen; headache occurs; there are signs of irritation of the laryngeal mucosa; blood pressure decreases; a characteristic blueness of the skin appears; intense pain is felt in the area of ​​the heart; severe dizziness occurs; suddenly hysterical starts. Acute manifestations are characterized by greater severity and short duration. From the moment the attack begins until the condition stabilizes, it takes from 15 minutes to 2 hours. An attack of bronchospasm is quite life-threatening for the patient, as it can lead to serious complications. In some cases, due to the rapid development of respiratory failure, this threatens the patient's life.

Bronchospasm is a narrowing of the bronchial lumen caused by contraction of the muscles of the bronchial wall. Bronchiolospasm, in contrast to bronchospasm, is not considered a narrowing of the bronchi of any etiology, if the narrowing does not affect the patency of the bronchi in terms of volume, but does affect their patency in terms of