
Vasoresection is a surgical operation during which the vas deferens along with the entire epididymis flowing into it is ligated or removed. There are methods of vasoresection for the oncological pathology of prostate cancer. Vasoresorption to increase potency in cases of impotence can be performed on children or adolescents and older adults. In some cases, with neurasthenia, extensive vasoresection is used, in which part of the vessels is removed. Therefore, when doing vasoresorption you should be very careful. This operation is irreversible and irreversible. It is worth understanding whether everything has been well thought out before making such a decision. You can never have children after vasoresia. When delaying vaso-surgery, it is worth knowing the possible consequences. As an option, you can always try to discuss with doctors the prescription of medications to solve sensitive male issues. Perhaps this will be better for him?