Evening makeup step by step photo at home

Beautiful makeup is an important component of the beauty recipe for every girl and woman, to be honest.

Whether it’s everyday makeup or holiday and evening makeup, it’s very important to do the right makeup for both the eyes and the entire face.

Doing the right makeup for beginner girls yourself is quite difficult, given the many techniques for applying makeup for the eyes and face, as well as the variety of tools for creating beautiful, flawless makeup.

But don’t panic and get upset prematurely if you don’t know all the rules for applying makeup, and also doubt how to do the right makeup yourself.

We offer you a useful makeup guide, or rather a photo guide on how to do the right makeup step by step - beautiful eye makeup and proper makeup for the whole face.

The beautiful makeup photo lesson presented below will help you do the right makeup yourself - choose a foundation that suits your skin type, draw perfect arrows and beautifully shape your eyebrows.

The most important thing to do beautiful makeup is to first prepare your face for applying cosmetics.

Don’t forget about the rules for choosing lipstick, blush and eye shadow color to match your eye color. And then you are guaranteed an even tone, glowing skin and beautiful makeup.

Beautiful makeup step by step: photo lesson on how to do the right makeup

We offer you useful recommendations on eye and face makeup, important rules for applying makeup and how to do the right makeup yourself. The best options and methods of applying makeup, beautiful makeup photo tutorial are presented below...

Many women have repeatedly thought about how to create evening makeup, without resorting to the services of a makeup artist.

To implement this task, you need to stock up on time and special tools.

We'll tell you how to do it yourself.

Skin preparation

How to prepare your face for applying makeup? Cosmetical tools fits better on cleansed skin, so it would be optimal to use a light scrub.

Then you should apply a moisturizer. Now the face is ready to visually hide possible imperfections. This process can be conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Applying base for makeup. Basic product Apply to the entire face, for the skin around the eyes you need to use an eye shadow base.
  2. Correction of deficiencies natural complexion using concealer. A yellow concealer will hide dark circles under the eyes, green – redness, orange – veins and capillaries visible through the skin, purple – pigmentation. It is better to have a palette of these miracle products and individually select the desired shade.
  3. Applying foundation. Foundations should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté, depending on the depth of the neckline.

Since skin color has nuances on different parts of the body, you should use different shades and apply the product in a thin layer.

Now you can place accents using various shades of decorative cosmetics.

Preferred shades

Trends often dictate to fashionistas what shades to use in makeup, however It would also be useful to take into account your eye colorso that the chosen shade looks more successful, especially if you focus on the eyes.

Shades of purple, orange, and colors with a metallic sheen are suitable for green eyes. Blue eyes It is better to give preference to apricot tones, bronze, golden, soft lilac.

To the owners brown eyes It is worth paying attention to pink, blue, purple, bronze shadows.

It can be violated for girls with dark eyes: as a rule, shadows of brown and dark shades suit them.

Another criterion for choosing shades is hair color. So blondes pink, blue, beige, gray and silver shadows are suitable, redhead – bright green, red, brown shades, fair-haired – cool gray and blue tones, brunettes Almost any shadow can work. You can choose shadows to match your dress to make your look more harmonious.

It is better to choose the shade of blush to match your hair and skin color. Light-skinned girls You should pay attention to cool pink and purple tones. At the same time, brunettes can deviate a little from this range towards shades mixed with red-brown, but then they will have to give up red lipstick.

Blondes can use blush in peach and coral shades. Redheads can combine the color of blush with their hair color: orange tones would be appropriate. If the girl has dark skin, then you can use any dark shades that match your skin color.

If the emphasis is on the eyes, then you should choose a soft, pastel-colored lipstick.

For cool toned skin you need to choose cool lipstick tones, blondes - closer to the scarlet color range, brunettes - plum, cherry, pink and shades close to scarlet.

Suits girls with warm skin tones warm shades of lipstick: for fair-haired people these are shades of terracotta and bronze, for dark-haired people these are brownish, caramel tones.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Step by step

How to apply makeup correctly? We apply cosmetics ourselves as follows:

  1. Correcting eyebrows: both shape and color, which can be brighter and darker than in daytime makeup.
  2. Painting your eyes. It is better to use 2-3 shades of eyeshadow. You can apply the lightest shade to the moving eyelid and under the eyebrow, a dark shade from the outer edge of the eye, emphasizing the crease of the eyelid, and shade the border with a lighter shade. To draw arrows, it is better to first outline the line with point movements of a pencil or black shadows, then draw the arrow itself. In makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, it is appropriate to outline the lower eyelid. Complete your eye makeup by applying mascara.

We paint our lips. Pre-powder your lips. Clearly draw the outline from the center to the edges. You can paint over the entire surface of your lips with a pencil. Apply lipstick with a brush, also from the center to the edges. We blot our lips with a napkin, powder again and apply a second layer of lipstick. You can add a drop of gloss to the center of your lower lip. Apply blush. Blush is applied between the highest point of the cheekbone, which protrudes when you smile, and the hollow that is formed when the cheeks are drawn in. Blend thoroughly.

You can learn how to do nude makeup for a brunette in our article.

Important Rules

What principles and rules should you follow when doing evening makeup? To do evening makeup correctly, you need to know some important points:

  1. the main feature of evening makeup is a bright palette of cosmetics;
  2. when performing evening make-up, it is taken into account what event it is being done for;

What mistakes should you avoid?

To avoid mistakes, let’s find out what they are:

  1. Wrong tone. The foundation should match the natural skin color or be slightly lighter than it; discrepancies of several tones are unacceptable. It is better if the shade is translucent and without pink pigments.
  2. Inconsistency between makeup technique and eye type. Those with wide-set eyes are not recommended to highlight the inner corners of their eyes. If your eyes are narrow or small, then smoky eyes are not suitable for them.

What do makeup artists advise?

It will be useful when applying evening make-up study the recommendations of makeup artists:

  1. don't overload the image. Hide imperfections with accents. For example, an emphasis on bright red lips will distract from bags under the eyes;
  2. avoid pearlescent shades in folds;
  3. beige shadows do not require applying a base underneath;
  4. powdered shadows are contraindicated when wearing contact lenses;
  5. in eye makeup, eye shadow is used first, then eyeliner, then mascara;
  6. drooping outer corners of the eyes can be visually raised using arrows;
  7. use a brush to separate the stuck together eyelashes, and to paint them thoroughly, pull the upper eyelid towards the temple.

The main secret of successful evening makeup consists of the correct selection of colors, technique of applying cosmetics and matching it to your image. All that remains is to complement the makeup with an expressive look and a smile.

It is important to stick to the golden mean - no vulgarity, only elegance.

In this article, we will talk about how to transform yourself with cosmetics so that you look great wherever you go this evening. Do you want to discover the secret of playing colors and expressive looks? Use our tips and shine wherever you are - on the dance floor or visiting friends.

The main differences between evening and daytime makeup

This look always pairs with cocktail dresses, special occasions, entertainment and relaxation - because it's what we crave most after six. This is what happens: we are going to the theater, going to a disco, going to our beloved friend’s birthday party. In all these cases, we need to look great. To do this, you need the perfect make-up - brighter than during the day, because natural light is replaced by artificial, weaker and dimmer light.

How to do evening makeup at home? It's not that difficult - just remember the basic rules:

You can’t focus on your eyes and lips at the same time. Yes, you didn’t want to seem vulgar at all - it’s just an innocent desire to make the image sexy and playful. However, even Marilyn Monroe preferred only flirty eyeliner in combination with deep scarlet lipstick. You can't overload it. Select one thing.

Otherwise there are no restrictions. Eye makeup can be complex - with two or three shade transitions, expressive arrows - thin or wide. But it is necessary to use nude lipsticks. If you focus on your lips, on the contrary, you can use rich shades: plum, red, terracotta.

Don't forget that the colors used in your makeup are the tones that suit you. If you are “summer”, choose cool or neutral shades, “winter” – dynamic and radiant.

For evening make-up, make-up artists traditionally use all the brightest things. Much attention is also paid to the skin - it must be perfect, without signs of fatigue, inflammation and other minor defects. To even out the tone and texture, foundations are used - we recommend mineral ones, which do not create the feeling of an impenetrable “mask” on the face.

Choosing cosmetics

This is the first step - it is also one of the most important, since incorrectly selected and low-quality products can ruin any image, making it inexpressive. A good makeup should not wear off immediately after application and cause harm to your skin. That is why you should pay attention to hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics, which include natural ingredients.

Recently, mineral shadows, primers, foundations have become very popular... What is it and what is the reason for the hype around such products?

They are created from crushed and processed natural minerals.

They are absolutely safe - they do not cause allergies, do not clog pores, and do not lead to acne or inflammation.

Applying such products is easy and convenient - the cosmetics are applied to the face in layers. At the same time, your skin breathes, but you don’t feel it - it creates the impression of a weightless veil.

Mineral shadows, primers, blushes, and powders are distinguished by their high durability - you won’t have to touch up your makeup at a party.

Even if you walk all night and forget to wash off your makeup, nothing will happen to your skin - mineral products have antiseptic properties.

Lovers of such products are attracted by the many rich shades that can be mixed with each other - for example, if you want to amaze everyone with a brighter color or an unusual range.

Another advantage is that there is no water in the composition, which increases the shelf life of products with minerals.

If you want your makeup to be impeccably long-lasting, and your skin to be clean and soft afterwards, choose products with natural ingredients. This is the last tip for choosing cosmetics. Let's move on to the most important thing - we'll tell you how to do evening makeup at home, step by step and in detail.


Is your face oily? Start with proper care. Namely, cleansing. For it, you can use tonic, milk, gel, micellar water - that is, what you use every day, what you are used to. You should not wash your face with soap - the alkalis that are part of it damage the lipid barrier (they simply wash it off), dry out the skin, and leave a feeling of tightness and discomfort. Instead, use soft mousses or foams.

After cleansing, moisturizing is necessary - take a light cream, gently apply it to your face with patting movements until completely absorbed.

How to do evening makeup at home

The answer is simple - without skipping a single step. Even if applying some products - for example, primer - seems unnecessary to you. This weightless coating makes the makeup more durable, absorbs the secretions secreted by the sebaceous glands until you wash off the invisible layer. Primer should be applied immediately after moisturizing the skin.

Next is the base. For this you will need a brush with dense, but quite soft and delicate bristles - Kabuki, Flat Buffer.

Miracles of camouflage

If you have minor blemishes on your face, such as pimples or acne marks, your next step is to apply concealer. You can blend it under your eyes to hide dark circles.

Healthy glow

Afterwards we apply blush. To do this, use a brush with a wide head and fluffy bristles. We blend from the apples of the cheeks to the temples.

Shine like a star

If you want to become a real star, you need to shine. To create a shimmering effect, we need a highlighter - a drop on the cheekbones, a drop on the tip of the nose. That's all - look at your skin and see - it turned out natural, luxurious and delicate.

Mineral veil

We attach the makeup to her so that it stays on all evening and all night. Done - your face is perfect. Now let's move on to the mirrors of the soul - they should be moderately expressive and mysterious.

How to do evening eye and eyebrow makeup correctly: choosing beautiful shades

You need to take care not only of your eyes, but also of your eyebrows - you can use special shadows for this. Choose your tone and adjust the shape. Do not forget that the lines should not be too bright or sharply defined. The main rule is don’t try to get away from your hair color, choose a shade as close to it as possible. Individual hairs can be fixed with gel.

Now let's move on to the eyes. Use your favorite palette - don't be afraid to experiment with darker, shimmery shades. Watch the video with all the stages of applying pearl evening makeup using mineral cosmetics to make sure that soft shimmer in combination with the delicate shine of mother-of-pearl looks especially advantageous.

Smokey eyes makeup is always relevant - it can be done in the range that suits the owners of your color type.

Evening is the time when you can allow yourself to be bright. This applies not only to the shade of shadow you choose, but also to what your eyeliner line will be. Wide arrows, drawing the inner corner in an oriental style - everything will look appropriate under one condition - complete symmetry.

Here are a few rules to help you achieve perfect makeup:

There should not be too many shadows - this will make the makeup heavier.

If you want to highlight your eyelashes rather than the protruding part of your eyelids, curl them or add artificial ones.

The inner corners of the eyelids can be highlighted with white shadows - this will give the look depth and radiance.

You can apply light shades under the eyebrow, closer to the outer edge - this way you will emphasize its natural curve.

When highlighting the lips, it is recommended to limit yourself to tinting the eyelashes and graceful arrows. The eyeliner line should be thin and neat.

That's all. All that remains is to apply lipstick - nude or brighter shades.

Above, we told you how to properly do evening makeup yourself - with photos and videos that describe the whole process step by step. Let's repeat the main points.

The emphasis is placed on only one part of the face - either the upper or the lower (that is, either the eyes or the lips).

The colors may be brighter than in daytime makeup, but they should not turn you into a doll. The main requirement is restraint.

Choose only those shades that suit your color type.

Don't forget about proper preparation of your facial skin.

In this article, we gave useful tips on how to do evening makeup in stages, with step-by-step photos. You can create an impressive look at any time of the day and for any occasion - follow our recommendations and be on top.