Weigert Iron Hematoxylin

Weigert iron gemtaxillin is a drug that is used to stain tissue for histological studies. It was developed by German pathologist Karl Weigert in 1880.

Weigert iron gemtaxilin is a solution containing iron and heme, a component of hemoglobin. When tissue is exposed to this solution, heme passes from hemoglobin into the solution, turning the tissue dark blue.

The drug is widely used in medicine and biology for staining cells and tissues in various organs and systems of the body. Weigert gemtaxillin stains tissue for a variety of purposes, including diagnosing diseases, studying cellular structures and processes, and for scientific research.

However, Weigert's use of gemtaxillin may have some limitations, as it can be toxic to cells and cause cell damage. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions when working with this drug and use it only for its intended purpose.

Weigert's iron hematoxylin is a light blue dye that is widely used in histology, hematology and cytology. In 1839, Karl Weierta introduced this dye into the practice of tissue microscopy.

The paint received the name “Weiertia” after its discoverer, the German doctor and scientist K. Weert. Since 1962 - product No. 255 of list A. Piskatorov of DIN standards (nomenclature number - OYAT3792, acid-base characteristic - pH - 4).

Currently, the world produces several types of raw materials for the preparation of dyes, which have the official name of Wager. The largest quantities are produced by G. D. Searle & Co Inc." and "Serva").

Composition Weigert's blue stain consists of a solution of the dye in acetone or chloroform and an indicator solution of picric acid in alcohol.

Analysis of the Weigert gamma solution of Weiepe. All Gamma microposts show intense coloring; in the case of dark blue coloring, coloring occurs within a few seconds; light staining occurs only in crystalline structures. The degree of staining is related to the duration of exposure to the dye preparation. Gamma solution is characterized by a greenish-blue color. If you paint the profile of the grains with Sirlanz dyes, and the profile of the grains with gammatics, then the gamma of the system is stronger than blue-green. This dyeing method can be