Vein Leg Subcutaneous Posterior

What is the posterior saphenous vein? - a section of the great saphenous vein, located on the back surface of the leg.

In Latin - Vena poplitea

- The posterior saphenous veins originate from the anterior limbs, where they pass between the connective tissue fascia. Then they pass to the back of the limb, anastomose with each other, forming “hidden networks”. The lower part has valves. The main function is to ensure the return of blood from the legs to the body. It is of clinical significance for varicose veins.

The saphenous vein of the leg occupies the space at the back of the foot. In boys, this vein forms on the back of the lower leg, and in girls, in the popliteal region. According to topographic anatomy, it is a valve that does not have a valve apparatus. It originates from the saphenous vein, which passes from the outside of the leg and