Crown Armpit

Today I want to tell you about the coronary sinus, which is one of the most important and mysterious parts of the human body. The coronary sinus is a cavity located on the side of the skull, behind the back of the head. In shape it resembles an oval or circle, and occupies almost half of the entire volume of the skull. Despite its important role in the functioning of the body, the coronary sinus remains a poorly studied object. In this article we will look at the features of the function, anatomy and history of the study of this structure.

Function The coronary sinus is involved in maintaining the shape and stability of the brain and also plays a role in the exchange of information between the two hemispheres. It supplies the brain with oxygen and essential nutrients, as many blood vessels and nerve pathways pass through it. In addition, the coronary sinus is the site of passage of some endocrine glands and respiratory centers.

Anatomy The coronary sinus is formed by two bones: the temporal and parietal. Both bones are connected to each other by a special suture - sagittal. This suture forms the roof of the coronary sinus and separates it from other parts of the skull. The wall of the coronary sinus is formed by the pia mater. Inside the sinus are an air bubble and a network of blood vessels.

History of study The coronary sinus was discovered and