
Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - Antiviral - nucleosides

Manufacturers - Veropharm/Belgorod branch (Russia)
International name - Ribavirin
Synonyms - Arviron, Virazol, Rebetol, Ribavirin, Ribavirin Meduna, Ribavirin-Bio, Ribavirin-Verte, Ribamidil, Ribapeg, Trivorin
Dosage forms - capsules 200 mg
Composition - Active substance - ribavirin.
Indications for use - The drug is intended for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. The drug is recommended for use in combination with interferon alpha:

  1. in primary patients not previously treated with alpha interferon, with confirmed chronic hepatitis C;
  2. during exacerbation after a course of alpha-interferon monotherapy;
  3. in patients refractory to interferon alpha monotherapy.

Contraindications - Ribavirin is contraindicated in patients with chronic heart failure IIB - III degree, myocardial infarction, chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 50 ml/min), anemia, severe liver dysfunction, including decompensated cirrhosis, autoimmune diseases, including including autoimmune hepatitis, thyroid diseases that cannot be treated, severe depression with suicidal intentions, pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), hypersensitivity to ribavirin and other components of the drug, children and adolescents (up to 18 years).

Side effects - Hemolytic anemia, dyspnea, cough, sleep disturbances, exanthema. Less common are flu-like symptoms with fever, headache and joint pain, weight loss, nausea, hair loss, and depression. Rarely observed dysfunction of the thyroid gland in the form of changes in TSH levels, as well as allergic reactions (urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis).

Interaction - Taking antacids containing aluminum and magnesium reduces the bioavailability of the drug. When ribavirin and alpha-interferon are used together, their action is synergistic.

Overdose - Symptoms: possible increased side effects. Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy.

Special instructions - Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out control laboratory tests. Ribavirin should be prescribed with caution to patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and bleeding disorders.

Literature - Encyclopedia of Medicines 2006, Encyclopedia of Medicines 2002.