Branches To The Eyelid Inferior Infraorbital Nerve (Rami Palpebrales Inferiores, Pna, Jna)

Branches to the eyelid of the inferior infraorbital nerves (rami palpebrales inferiores; PNA, JNA) are branches of the nerve that innervate the lower part of the eyelid and the area near the eyeball. These branches are part of the mandibular nerve and provide sensation and motor function to the lower eyelid area, as well as the area around the eyeball and nose.

The branches to the eyelid of the inferior infraorbital nerve begin from the greater petrosal nerve in the pyramids of the temporal bones. They then pass through the lower jaw and enter the lower eyelid. The branches passing through the lower eyelid innervate the eyelid skin, ciliary muscles and lacrimal glands.

In addition, branches of the inferior infraorbital nerve innervate the area near the eyeball, including the skin of the cheek, upper lip and nose. This provides motor and sensory function in this area.

Thus, the branches to the lower eyelid of the infraorbital nerve play an important role in innervating the area around the eyeball and lower eyelid. They provide sensation, motor function and blood supply to the area, which is important for the normal functioning of the eye and face as a whole.