
Vesico-rectal: what is it and how is it related to human anatomy?

Vesico-rectal is a term that combines two medical terms: “vesico-” and “rectal”. “Vesico-” refers to the bladder, and “rectal” refers to the rectum. The word "vesico-rectal" refers to the connection between the bladder and the rectum.

The human body is a complex combination of organs and systems, each of which plays its own role in maintaining the vital functions of the body. The bladder and rectum are two organs located in the human abdominal cavity.

The bladder is an organ that serves to temporarily store urine that is produced in the kidneys. The rectum is the last section of the large intestine that ends at the anus.

The vesico-rectal coupled signal is a process that occurs when the bladder fills. When the bladder is filled to a certain level, it begins to put pressure on the rectum. This makes you feel like you need to go to the toilet. When we sit on the toilet, we relax the bladder muscles and contract the rectal muscles, which allows urine to pass out of the body.

Disturbances in the vesico-rectal connection can lead to problems with urination and defecation. For example, if the bladder fails to empty in a timely manner, it can lead to problems with urination. And if the rectum can't empty itself in a timely manner, it can lead to constipation and other problems with bowel movements.

In conclusion, the vesico-rectal is an important aspect of human anatomy that connects the bladder to the rectum. Disturbances in this regard can lead to various problems with urination and bowel movements. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of these organs and promptly consult a doctor if any problems occur.

The vesicorectal method or combination is a combination of two bladder surgeries. As the names of both suggest, they are aimed at the bladder and rectum, respectively. Their combination makes it possible to remove a formation in cases where it is not amenable to separate operations. Currently, this area is actively developing, and the technique is used in various fields. In simple words, with such an operation it is possible to remove a tumor outside the bladder, which cannot be reached using another approach. This is a very important condition, since in this way it is possible to reduce the risk of relapse, as well as reduce the risks that arise if a series of subsequent operations are required after initially unsuccessful treatment. When are 2 types of surgery combined? There are several reasons why a combination can be performed: - treatment of tumors of the bladder and rectum, although the size of both formations is small and treatable, it is impossible to carry out separate surgical therapy for them; - cysts and fistulas are most often located in the muscle layer, so one type of surgical intervention is a rational choice.

The idea of ​​unification appeared a long time ago, but the beginning of the development of this method can be considered the end of the 19th century. By means of vesical resection, the neoplasm is removed, moving to the rectum or sigmoid colon, strangulated by a foreign body, paravesical tissue, and vessels.