Vial, Flacon, Bottle

A vial, vial, bottle is a small glass bottle for storing medicinal substances. These bottles are usually small in size and made of clear or dark glass. They are used for storing liquid medications, mixtures, tinctures, as well as powders and granules.

The shape of the bubble can be cylindrical or tapering towards the neck. The neck usually has a narrow opening to control the dosage. Bottles are usually labeled with information about the contents.

Vials are convenient for storing and transporting small quantities of medicine. Their compact size allows you to take them with you on the road or store them in your home medicine cabinet. Thanks to the glass surface, the medicines in the vials retain their properties longer.

A vial is a small glass bottle designed for storing and transporting various substances, including medications.

The bottle is one of the most common containers for storing and transporting medicines. It is made of transparent glass, which makes it easy to control the condition of the contents and also prevents harmful substances from entering the human body.

A bottle is a small glass bottle with a narrow neck that is closed with a stopper or cap. Bottles are commonly used to store various liquids such as perfumes, cosmetics, drinks, etc.

A stopper bottle is a small container that can be made of various materials, including glass, plastic, metal, etc. Bottles are often used to store food, drinks and cosmetics.

In general, the vial, vial and bottle are very important items for storing and transporting medications, liquids and other substances that require special protection from external influences.


In modern pharmacies you can often find the following containers: a vial, a bottle or a small bottle. They are designed for storing and transporting medications. In addition, they protect medications from light and heat, as well as from accidental damage.

A vial is a small glass bottle with a rubber stopper, which is marked with the name of the drug, expiration date and recommendations for use. Bubbles can be of various sizes: from small to very large. They usually store antibiotics, hormonal drugs and other medications.

A bottle is a larger glass container that is typically used to store medical or cosmetic products. The bottles are glass bottles with a wide neck and a plastic cap. Examples of bottles: bottles for shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, cream, etc.