Stones in the kidneys

The kidneys and bladder are homogeneous regarding the cause of the formation of stones in them. The fact is that the birth of a stone is carried out thanks to the exposed matter and the influencing force: the matter is viscous, thick moisture - mucus, pus or blood that accumulates in a boil tumor - the latter rarely happens, and the influencing force is heat that goes beyond the limits of moderation. The formation of matter has two reasons: one of them replenishes the amount of matter, the other locks matter. Matter is replenished by coarse food: milk, especially thick milk, cheeses, especially fresh ones, and coarse meat, for example, the meat of swamp birds and large-bodied birds, camel, cow and goat meat and the meat of large animals, as well as fish meat and all kinds of stewed meat. . This also includes sticky, raw and unleavened bread, noodles, intestines, rice porridge with milk, sticky bread made from white flour and semolina, sticky halva, fruits - raw, indigestible and producing sticky juice, such as unripe apples and unripe peaches, as well as citron pulp and pear pulp. As for drinks, cloudy water works this way, especially water that is unusual for the patient, often changing, thick black wines, especially with weak digestion due to weak digestive power or the abundance of food taken, which suppresses this power, or from the wrong sequence of meals and increased movement after eating. . Often the matter is pus from ulcers in the kidneys or elsewhere.

As for the reasons that block matter, such is the weakness of the expelling force in the kidneys due to hot nature, tumor or erysipelas, or due to ulcers in the kidneys, due to which excesses and sediments from all the watery part of the blood entering there are blocked there. The reason for this is also the intense heat that forms sand in the excess and turns it into stone before it rushes into the bladder; the warmth also attracts excess to the kidneys before it is completely digested in the upper organs of the body. Such warmth is either constant or occurs accidentally due to fatigue or taking something intoxicating. The matter is blocked also due to blockage due to the accumulation of excess, constricting cold or a hot obstructing tumor, and this happens often, or from a cold, hard tumor or due to the complicity of nearby organs, for example, the intestines or other organs, and if they compress the kidney and cause there is a blockage in it. All these phenomena also occur with stones in the bladder, and if both stones are different, then the kidney stone is a little softer, smaller and has a redder tint, and the stone in the bladder is harder, much larger and has a more dark, ashy or white tint. However, sometimes crushed stones also form in the bubble. I will also say that kidney stones are most often formed even before they appear in the urine and represent a kind of thick blood that did not accompany the urine and was left behind, and stones in the bladder are mostly released after urine has passed, and this is sediment in the urine , locked up with her. Most people who are affected by kidney stones are fat, whereas people who suffer from bladder stones are mostly skinny. Old people are affected by kidney stones more often than stones in the bladder, but in children and those close to them in age, the opposite is true. Most often, stones in the bladder occur in the period from the end of childhood to the beginning of adulthood; the fact is that in children and young men the expelling force is greater and it drives juices from higher organs to lower ones, and as for old people, the strength of their kidneys is very weakened. In addition, in children and young people the juices are thinner and therefore pass more easily through the kidneys, but in old people the juices are thicker and do not pass through the kidneys. In children, stones most often form due to their gluttony and because they move on a full stomach and drink milk, as well as due to the narrowness of the channels in the bladder, and in old people this happens due to weak digestion. Hippocrates, in addition, believes that stones in old people are incurable.

Any urine that contains more impurities is more likely to produce stones; in such urine, if left to stand while salt is formed in it, there appears to be more salt, for salt is generated from the watery part of the blood, with a large admixture of earthiness, which the heat has burned away. There is more salt in the urine of children than in the urine of old people, not because it is more earthy, but due to its greater warmth and greater penetration of earthiness into the bladder during combustion. Therefore, their urine is cloudy due to the abundance of impurities and the porosity of their body, due to which most of the watery part of the blood leaks through their pores in an imperceptible manner. Children who have a dry nature and, most often, a hot stomach are most predisposed to the formation of stones; Their nature dries out in most cases due to the fact that fluids are drawn into the liver, and then into the urinary organs, and if there is excessive heat there, then the actual cause of the formation of stones is obvious. Generally speaking, the dryness of nature makes the urine thicker and more abundant. Whoever has a lot of urinary sediment in his urine does not collect stones in his urine, since the matter that forms the stones does not linger and, moreover, is probably not abundant, for if it were abundant, it would first of all form a stone, large and solid. Of course, it can be abundant, but it is loose and capable of crumbling, otherwise it would not come out in large quantities in the urine. When this is the case, we know that the matter was formed not from a cause inherent in the bud itself, and not as a result of great heat, which would cause petrification, which does not allow it to crumble; this also indicates a greater expelling force. However, this is a judgment based on most cases, and not a mandatory one.

Know that girls and women rarely have stones in the bladder, since the channel of their bladder, facing outward, is shorter, wider and not so tortuous, and shortness makes passage easier than length. For some people with kidney stones, stone formation and passage in the urine occur periodically; after the stone has collected, just before it comes out with urine, the patient is struck by something like a kulanja. The intervals between these attacks vary - from a month to a year. Those who are accustomed to enduring pain from a large stone consider all other pains in the bladder to be a trifle. This indicates that his organ is not subject to rapid inflammation, since it does not become inflamed due to such stones and from excruciating pain, and the patient endures pain from the stone despite its large size. But each of both of these phenomena separately would probably cause inflammation. Know also that kidney and bladder stones are one of the diseases that are inherited.