Vibrating dilator Gynecological

Vibration dilatation is essentially a medical method that involves using vibration on a woman’s uterus during gynecological interventions.

Unlike other correction methods used for corresponding gynecological pathologies, vibration effects do not require the use of anesthesia or time-consuming and energy-intensive manipulations. The fact is that the female body itself supports various processes necessary for regeneration.

The rehabilitation period is minimal, and the effectiveness is high for almost all women.

Vibro gynecological dilator - a device for expanding the opening (throat of the uterus through vibration action with a conical working part. Vibration covers the shape of the uterus as it moves to its canal and increases the opening. It is a gynecological vacuum device and is installed in the vagina.

"Currently, there are a large number of methods for treating the female body. One of them is therapy of the gynecological tract. As a rule, such methods may be needed in some cases when the body does not provide the opportunity to realize its reproductive functions. Therefore, there are a lot of hardware and devices that help correct anatomical problems in the pelvic cavity of both men and women."

"One of these assistants is a vibrating dilator. This device helps restore the patency of the uterine canal, which helps with irregular periods, painful menstruation and cervical obstruction. A particularly powerful effect from using a vibrating dilator can be achieved when taking hormonal contraceptives, which can lead to problems with