Widmann-Neumann Operation

Widmann-Neumann surgery is a surgical procedure that is used to treat various conditions associated with ovarian cysts. It was developed in the early 20th century by German scientists Wied Widmann and Ernst Neumann.

The operation consists of removing the ovarian cyst and adjacent tissue. This is done in order to reduce the volume of the cyst and prevent its further development.

Widmann-Neumann surgery can be performed either open or laparoscopically. With the open method, an incision is made in the abdomen, and with the laparoscopic method, several small punctures are made in the abdominal cavity.

After surgery, the patient may experience some discomfort, but this usually goes away within a few days. After surgery, you must follow your doctor's recommendations for wound care and recovery after surgery.

Overall, Widmann-Neumann surgery is an effective treatment for ovarian cysts and other diseases associated with them. It allows you to avoid serious complications and maintain the woman’s health.

Widmann–Neumann or Zelenitsky operation is a surgical procedure used to treat varicose veins and thrombophlebitis in the lower extremities. This procedure has become widespread in modern medicine due to its effectiveness and minimally invasive nature. It was developed by German doctors at the end of the 19th century and received their names: Professor Maximilian Widmann and Doctor Eugen Neumann.

The essence of the operation is to remove the affected parts of the vein and form a “new path” along the undamaged areas. To do this, a special instrument is used - a probe, which allows you to create a new path for the blood. Instead of a traditional scalpel injection, a catheter is used, which makes the procedure less painful and safer for the patient.

Indications for Widmann-Neumann surgery are varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, telangiectasia and other diseases. An important condition is the ability to remove the affected section of the vein, as well as form a “new path” along the intact vein.

After the operation, which lasts about 30 minutes, the patient must remain in the hospital for several days. Some time after surgery, the patient can return to normal activities by taking certain precautions, such as wearing compression garments and avoiding overexertion of the legs.

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