
Country of origin - Ukraine
Pharm-Group - Drugs that improve cerebral circulation

Manufacturers - Darnitsa (Ukraine)
International name - Vinpocetine
Synonyms - Bravinton, Vero-Vinpocetine, Vinpoton, Vinpocetine, Vinpocetine-Akos, Vinpocetine-Acri, Vinpocetine-N.S., Vinpocetine-NS, Vinpocetine-Rivo, Vinpocetine-Rivo 5, Vinpocetine-Rivopharm, Vinpocetine-Sar , Vincetin, Cavinton, Cavinton Forte, Telektol
Dosage forms - 5 mg tablets
Composition - Active substance - vinpocetine.

Indications for use - Acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation (stroke, brain injury, atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels), memory impairment, movement disorders, dizziness, headache, spasm of cerebral vessels, arteriolosclerotic and angiospastic changes in the retina and choroid, arterial and venous thrombosis blood vessels of the eye, age-related, vascular or toxic (drug-induced) hearing disorders, vegetative manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

Contraindications - Severe heart rhythm disturbances, high functional class angina, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects - Hypotension, tachycardia, extrasystole, increased duration of electrical ventricular systole; with parenteral administration: dizziness, feeling of heat, redness of the face, thrombophlebitis at the injection site.

Interaction - Increases the risk of hemorrhagic complications during heparin therapy.

Overdose - In case of intoxication, gastric lavage, intake of activated charcoal and symptomatic treatment are recommended.

Special instructions - For patients with cardiac pathology, vinpocetine should not be administered intravenously due to the risk of developing arrhythmia, including ventricular fibrillation. Prescribe with caution for hemorrhagic stroke (only after completion of the acute phase).


  1. Encyclopedia of drugs 2002
  2. Directory "Medicines" M.D. Mashkovsky 14th edition.
  3. Vidal Directory, fifth edition, 2000.