
Virucide is a method of fighting viruses that is used in medicine, biology and industry. It consists of destroying viruses and other infectious agents that can cause diseases in humans and animals.

Virucides can be chemical, physical or biological. Chemical virucides are used to kill viruses using chemical reagents. Physical virucides include ultraviolet light, heat, and other methods that destroy the structure of viruses. Biological virucides use special bacteria or viruses that can destroy other viruses to kill viruses.

One of the most common methods of virucidal treatment is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are substances that kill bacteria, but can also destroy viruses. However, using antibiotics to virucidalize can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance in viruses, making them less effective in the future.

There are also enzyme-based virucides that destroy viral proteins. These enzymes can be synthesized artificially or obtained from natural sources.

In addition, there are virucides based on the use of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation has the ability to destroy DNA and RNA of viruses, which leads to their death.

Overall, virucides are an important tool in the fight against infectious diseases caused by viruses. However, its use should be based on scientific research and expert recommendations to avoid possible negative consequences for human health and the environment.

Today, the topic concerning the need to use various measures and methods of prevention to prevent the spread of viruses is especially relevant. With the development of the epidemiological situation in the region or the incidence of one nosoform, a large number of patients may turn to medical institutions, and the practice of temporarily closing hospitals and outpatient clinics may be more actively implemented. Most often in such situations we are talking about transferring medical institutions to emergency mode due to the threat of mass spread of infection in the outbreak. However, the main indicator of an emergency situation is the threat of infection of a large number of people, which affects the potential of the source of infection and the need to provide medical care to patients.

In addition, such measures are resorted to when there is a threat to public health, or a threat of attack on people. This is also possible in the context of a terrorist attack, which is why it is so important to take all possible measures to prevent contracting a dangerous infection. The body's resistance to the virus is explained by its genetic characteristics and mutation. In some cases, it is the increased virucidal activity that allows one to overcome not only the virus itself, but also