Visceral reflex

Visceral reflexology is a direction based primarily in Russia. Specialists in this field develop internal organ reflexology, which involves influencing the receptors of internal organs through the skin. Such methods require patient, in-depth knowledge of the human body, different from the anatomy and physiology accepted in medical science. Conventional medical sciences are not designed to study the internal organs and sense organs.

Reflexes are the body’s automatic response to changes in external or internal factors. If it is not possible to influence the conscious mind, we influence the body through channels located along the path of transmission of external impulses. Based on the principle that the human body is the largest channel for the transmission of impulses, reflexes received this name. Unlike the reflex arc, the role of the brain here is played by the skin. Some impulses are captured by certain points on the body, and some receptors reflect the impact directly inside the stomach, for example, when food enters. Some active points are located in these places. They are believed to improve the metabolism between the body and the environment, to which the body responds reflexively. For example, in reflexology there is a point corresponding to the liver. From the theory of body reflexology it follows that if pressure is applied or stimulation is applied to this area of ​​​​the skin, the liver can respond to this: either the sugar level will decrease, the headache will decrease