
Vitacitrol: syrup for the prevention of hypovitaminosis

Vitacitrol is a combination drug that is produced in Croatia by the company Pliva. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of vitamin complexes, including water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.

The composition of the drug includes vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin C. 5 ml of syrup contains 2500 IU of vitamin A, 250 IU of vitamin D and 35 mg of vitamin C. The drug is recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis A, C and D in children, especially in winter and spring period, as a vitamin supplement to food.

Contraindications to the use of Vitacytrol include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects are not described, and there is no data on interaction and overdose.

However, special instructions prescribe not to take Vitacitrol simultaneously with other drugs containing vitamins A, C and D. This is due to the possibility of an excess of these vitamins in the body, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

Vitacitrol is available in the form of syrup and is an effective means for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in children. However, before you start using it, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use to avoid possible undesirable consequences.

Source: Directory "Medicines" edited by M.A. Klyueva, 2001