Vizilite Plus - An Early Detection Screening For Oral Cancer

Vizilite Plus - An Early Detection Screening for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a deadly disease that claims the lives of many individuals every year. Shockingly, statistics reveal that one person dies from oral cancer every hour, making it an alarming public health concern. The high mortality rate associated with this type of cancer is primarily due to late-stage detection. However, there is hope for early detection through a screening procedure called Vizilite Plus.

It is recommended that every individual undergo a Vizilite oral cancer screening at least once a year to increase the chances of detecting oral cancer in its early stages. By identifying the disease early, treatment options can be initiated promptly, significantly improving the chances of successful outcomes and survival rates.

So, what are the risk factors associated with oral cancer? Age plays a significant role, with patients over 40 years of age being at higher risk. However, individuals between 18 and 39 years of age can also be susceptible to oral cancer if they exhibit certain habits and conditions. These include habitual use of tobacco or cigarette smoking, chronic consumption of alcoholic beverages, presence and recurrence of oral HPV infection, a history of oral cancer, and genetic predisposition.

It is worth noting that approximately twenty-five percent of oral cancer cases occur in individuals who neither smoke nor exhibit any other known risk factors. This emphasizes the importance of early detection screenings for this type of cancer, as it can affect anyone, regardless of their lifestyle choices.

Vizilite Plus is a painless and quick screening procedure that has been specifically designed to aid in the identification of abnormal lesions in the soft tissue of the mouth, which could potentially lead to cancer. The process begins with rinsing the mouth with a cleansing solution. Then, the dentist or healthcare professional will dim the lights and utilize the Vizilite Plus light for an oral examination. The Vizilite Plus light enhances the visibility of abnormal soft tissue, making it easier to detect any suspicious lesions.

If any abnormal lesions are identified during the screening, the patient will be referred to an oral surgeon for further evaluation, removal of the lesion, and a biopsy. This additional step ensures a comprehensive diagnosis and appropriate treatment planning.

The simplicity and effectiveness of the Vizilite screening procedure are truly remarkable. In just a matter of minutes, this straightforward examination can potentially save lives by identifying oral cancer at an early stage when it is most treatable. It is crucial for individuals to discuss their concerns and inquiries with their Carlsbad dentist or healthcare provider, as they can provide guidance and facilitate the screening process.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. By prioritizing regular oral cancer screenings, individuals can take proactive steps towards safeguarding their oral health and overall well-being. Early detection through Vizilite Plus empowers individuals to make informed decisions and seek timely treatment, ultimately reducing the devastating impact of oral cancer.

In conclusion, the importance of early detection cannot be overstated when it comes to oral cancer. With the alarming death rate associated with this disease, it is crucial to take advantage of available screening tools like Vizilite Plus. By undergoing this painless and quick procedure, individuals can increase their chances of detecting oral cancer in its early stages, leading to more favorable treatment outcomes and improved survival rates. Don't wait until it's too late – prioritize your oral health and schedule a Vizilite Plus screening with your Carlsbad dentist today.