
Vladimirov-Mikulich surgery, also known as VM surgery, is one of the most common surgical procedures for the treatment of varicose veins. It was developed in 1939 by Soviet surgeon Nikolai Vladimirov and improved in 1954 by his student, Vladimir Mikulich.

VM surgery is performed by removing the diseased vein and redirecting blood flow through healthy veins. This procedure improves blood circulation and eliminates the symptoms of varicose veins, such as swelling, pain and ulcers.

The Vladimirov-Mikulich operation is considered a relatively safe and effective procedure that can be performed both in an inpatient and outpatient setting. In most cases, patients can return to their normal lives within a few days after surgery.

However, like any other surgical procedure, IM surgery may come with certain risks and complications, such as bleeding, infection, and thrombosis. Therefore, it is important to discuss all possible risks and side effects with your surgeon before undergoing surgery.

Overall, VM surgery is one of the most effective procedures for treating varicose veins. If you suffer from this condition, discuss the possibility of CM surgery with your doctor.