- The effect of breast papillomas on pregnancy
- Main reasons
- How to treat papillomas on the chest
- Medicines
- Herbal remedies
- Removal of papillomas on the chest
Papillomas on the chest during pregnancy are painless small growths on the skin with a “leg” of a flesh-colored or brownish tint, caused by the activity of the papillomavirus in the body. With the onset of pregnancy, these formations can grow, increase in number, and become more sensitive.
The effect of breast papillomas on pregnancy
If a woman becomes a carrier of the papilloma virus even before conception, then at the stage of hormonal changes in the body, which is inevitable during pregnancy, the development of clinical forms of the disease may occur.
Papillomas on the chest during pregnancy look like small spherical or oval growths on the body that do not cause pain or discomfort. However, sometimes these growths can become inflamed or bleed. This happens especially often when the breasts, due to natural physiological processes, increase in size and the usual bra becomes narrow. Then the underwear can rub the delicate skin of the chest and injure papillomas.
Most often, papillomas begin to appear on the chest in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. These skin formations can be localized anywhere - around the breasts, between them, near the nipples and even inside the ducts of the mammary gland. The latter pathology is considered quite dangerous, although not very common. Such tumor-like neoplasms can cause physical discomfort, cause inflammation, and blockage of the ducts.
As for small external single papillomas on the chest during pregnancy, they, as a rule, do not pose a threat to the health of the woman and the unborn child. The risk of transmission of the virus from mother to embryo through the placenta is minimal. And infection of a baby during labor can only occur if there are viral tumors in the genital area.
It is believed that breast papillomas are more capable of malignancy than others. However, the risk of malignancy directly depends on the strain of the pathogen and its oncogenicity. The most dangerous from this point of view are HPV types 16, 18, 36, 45.The risk of healthy cells degenerating into atypical ones increases when papillomas on the chest are injured during pregnancy. If by the time of delivery they were not eliminated therapeutically or did not go away on their own, then breastfeeding can injure the growths. This is a definite risk factor for cancer. Therefore, medical supervision of these neoplasms is mandatory.
The main causes of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy
These growths can appear on the chest of any woman who is a carrier of the corresponding pathogen. Pregnancy is a stressful factor for the body. Therefore, the papillomavirus is able to become active and cause the formation of skin formations, including on the chest.
Virus infection usually occurs sexually. Unprotected sex and promiscuity are favorable factors for the spread of HPV and the appearance of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy.
The pathogen can also be transmitted from a carrier to a healthy person through contact and household contact, with insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules, in public places - swimming pools, saunas, showers.
A person may have the virus in his blood for a long time, but not feel its activity. Only with activating factors can the pathogen emerge from the state of “hibernation” and manifest itself by the formation of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy, as well as condylomas and warts.
The causes of external manifestations of HPV during pregnancy are:
- Changes in hormonal levels with a general decrease in the body’s immune response;
- Increase in body weight and volume, especially by the 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
- Wearing tight clothes and underwear that do not fit, which increases friction of the fabric against the skin of the chest;
- Stress caused by hormonal surges, nervous exhaustion;
- Insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules;
- Having bad habits;
- Poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle.
The specific cause of the appearance of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy is usually not easy to determine. Sometimes a whole complex of factors causes the formation of these growths. However, it is recommended to identify these factors in order to eliminate them, so that treatment brings maximum effectiveness, as well as to avoid relapses.
How to treat papillomas on the chest during pregnancy?
Typically, breast tumors resolve spontaneously after the baby is born and do not require special treatment. However, in a number of pathologies, treatment of the disease is required even at the stage of pregnancy. In this case, the doctor selects the safest method.
Medicines for papillomas on the chest
The main task of medicinal treatment for papillomatosis is to increase the body’s immune response so that the human defense systems become more active and begin to fight the virus on their own. Today it is impossible to completely kill it in the body, but with the help of correctly selected medications you can suppress its activity and minimize the possibility of recurrence.
If papillomas appear on the chest during pregnancy, treatment with pharmaceutical drugs is prescribed with extreme caution. Many medications are toxic and cannot be used by expectant mothers. Therefore, this method of stimulating the immune system and suppressing the virus is often postponed until the postpartum period.
If it is impossible to avoid drug treatment of tumors caused by the activity of papillomavirus, then the following groups of drugs may be prescribed:
- Antiviral. Rarely, treatment of breast papillomas during pregnancy can be done without medications in this category. They suppress the pathogen and prevent it from multiplying. Available in various forms: tablets, injection solutions, suppositories, ointments. For single growths, the most gentle local treatment is often prescribed. Among the drugs that can be used when carrying a child are Cidofovir and Panavir. Their analogues are Giporamin and Genferon.
- Immunostimulants and immunomodulators. Their main goal is to make their own immunity work and stimulate it. As a rule, during pregnancy the immune response is somewhat suppressed, so drugs in this group are highly recommended. However, not all of them can be used by expectant mothers. The doctor may recommend remedies in the form of suppositories, tablets, and in rare cases, injections. Common drugs for pregnant women are Viferon, Interferon and their analogues - Epigen Intim (read contraindications for the use of Epigen Intim spray), Allokin-alpha.
- Agents that destroy papilloma. Medicines in this group have a direct destructive effect on breast papillomas during pregnancy. Such drugs contain quite aggressive substances that destroy epithelial tissue. They are used locally, targeted and only after a doctor’s prescription. Among the recommended ones are Verrukacid (read reviews about Verrukacid), Solkoderm (read about the results of using Solkoderm), as well as analogues - Celandine, Papillek, Papilight.
Herbal remedies for the treatment of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy
Often during pregnancy, doctors are wary of prescribing medicinal or destructive treatment for papillomatosis. Therefore, the main treatment is postponed until the postpartum stage. It is considered safer for expectant mothers to use herbal remedies that have a gentle effect on the body.
You can get rid of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy using the following traditional medicine recipes:
- Kalanchoe leaves. They can be cut into several pieces and applied to the affected areas of the chest. For convenience, the leaves can be fixed with a bandage. It is useful to apply such compresses throughout the night.
- Garlic juice. You can use freshly squeezed juice or pulp from cloves. Apply garlic to the growths several times a day for 2-3 minutes. The plant has antiviral activity and does not harm mother and child.
- Celandine juice. This is the most popular plant in the treatment of papillomatosis. They should lubricate papillomas on the chest during pregnancy several times a day until it is completely eliminated. In this case, contact with healthy parts of the body should be avoided.
Any treatment methods using plants should be discussed with your doctor in advance. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.
Removal of papillomas on the breast during pregnancy
The photo shows the process of removing papilloma on the chest
This method of eliminating tumors is quite traumatic, and therefore it is prescribed during pregnancy with extreme caution and in the presence of strict indications:
- If papillomas on the chest during pregnancy are concentrated in places of close contact with the fabric of clothing and can become injured, infected, inflamed, and grow for this reason;
- If the tumors have already been injured, a bacterial infection has occurred, and there is bleeding;
- If papillomas begin to degenerate;
- If the formations are concentrated inside the thoracic ducts, they clog them, become inflamed and cause pain.
The method of destruction of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy only helps to eliminate existing tumors, however, it is impossible to completely destroy the pathogen in the blood with any of the existing treatment methods. Also, physical removal of growths is not a guarantee that they will not appear again. Relapses of papillomatosis are quite frequent, especially if you do not change your lifestyle and add special drug treatment.
It is best to remove papillomas on the chest during pregnancy in the first months. Then there is no risk of premature labor due to stress. In addition, the doctor must weigh the pros and cons of such manipulation in order to assess the risks and benefits of the procedure.
Note! Anesthesia can only be used local and is safe for pregnant women.As for destruction methods, expectant mothers can be prescribed the following procedures:
- Radio wave removal. This is one of the most modern methods of removing any neoplasms, including papillomas, condylomas, warts of a benign and malignant nature. In this case, high-frequency radio wave streams with low temperatures are used. There is no manual contact with the patient's skin, and no instrument touches the body. This minimizes the risk of infection. The effect of radio waves is on the area where the tumor is attached to the epidermis. Thus, the area of skin damage is minimal, the rehabilitation process is quick and painless. There are practically no scars left. The price of radio wave destruction of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy is 1500-2400 rubles in Russia and 550-850 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Cryodestruction. The destruction of neoplasms occurs under the influence of extreme cold - freezing with liquid nitrogen. The substance is applied pointwise using an applicator. The risk of damage to adjacent tissues is eliminated. After cryotherapy, unhealthy cells are destroyed and rejected. This manipulation is practically painless and does not leave scars or scars, which is especially important on the delicate skin of the breast. The cost of cryoremoval of papillomas is 850-1500 rubles in Russia and 300-500 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Laser removal. In this case, a point laser beam is used, which acts strictly on the designated area of the affected skin. The beam cauterizes blood vessels and tissues. Therefore, during laser exposure there is no severe bleeding, and inflammatory processes do not develop. This treatment also does not require long-term tissue rehabilitation. The price of laser destruction of papillomas is 1000-2000 rubles in Russia and 400-650 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Electrocoagulation. Allows you to remove papillomas on the chest during pregnancy using electric currents of different frequencies. Electric current leads to thermal damage to diseased tissues, followed by their rejection. This method can be used to treat both single and group growths. The cost of electrocoagulation of papillomas is 800-1500 rubles in Russia and 300-500 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Surgical removal. New growths can also be excised in the traditional way - using a scalpel. However, recently this method of treatment has been used less and less, especially since they try not to prescribe it to expectant mothers. The classic method severely injures the skin, can cause bleeding and has a relatively long recovery period. The price of surgical removal of growths is about 1000 rubles in Russia and 200-300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
How to get rid of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy - watch the video:
Papillomas on the chest during pregnancy can bring a lot of discomfort to a woman. However, as a rule, we are talking about an aesthetic inconvenience, since in most cases these neoplasms are painless and often resolve on their own after childbirth. Treatment of such growths should only be prescribed by a specialist.
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