Lupus Red Hemorrhagic

Hemorrhagic lupus erythematosus (L. erythema hemorrhagicus) is a disease that manifests itself as a rash on the skin. This is one of the most common skin diseases. Lupus is a systemic disease and can lead to serious health consequences.

L.E. hemorrhage is characterized by the appearance of small pinkish or purple star-shaped spots on the skin that can spread throughout the body. Swelling and itching may occur in the affected areas.

The causes of redness of hemorrhage can be different. They can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites or an allergic reaction. Some of the most common reasons include:

- insect bites; - viruses; - fungal infections; - allergic reactions to medications.

Symptoms of L.E. Hemorrhage can also vary and depend on the cause of the disease. Typically, it is characterized by a skin rash that may be slightly itchy but does not bother the patient. The rash can appear on any part of the body, including the face, arms, legs, chest, stomach and back. Fever rarely occurs. Typically, the rash lasts for several days and then goes away without treatment. In rare cases, if the rash continues for more than three weeks or spreads throughout the body, you should consult a doctor.

Lupus erythematosus hemorrhagic

General description of the disease

Lupus erythematosus hemorrhagic is one of the types of lupus - a connective tissue disease of unknown etiology. The disease manifests itself against the background of reduced immunity and infectious diseases.

May be seasonal in nature. Chronic stress contributes to the disease. An exacerbation of the disease is observed in the autumn-winter period.