Lupus Vulgaris Crustic

Inflammation is the expansion of blood vessels, the presence of edema. Wolf skin is a crust of skin. Latin is the Roman script. Clumsy - very simple. The crust is a hard covering.

What is Crustic Lupus? Belongs to the group of dermatological diseases. The old name is exudative erythroderma. This is an inflammation of the top layer of skin - the epidermis. The reason is an allergic reaction to chemical, biological, plant

Lupus vulgaris is a disease characterized by the appearance of large, flat, brown areas (called “scabs”) on the skin. It is one of the most common skin diseases and can occur in people of any age and gender. In this article we will look at the mechanism of occurrence, symptoms and treatment of lupus vulgaris.

Origin and symptoms Lupus vulgaris occurs when the skin comes into contact with the pathogenic fungus S. schenckii. This fungus lives in soil and on